Obama Says Most Americans Agree with Him That Raising the Debt Ceiling. BUT! A Gallup Poll Says a Majority of the Public DISAGREES with Obama on th

I Guess You had to “Vote for it, so that you could read it”
President Obama says most Americans agree with him that raising the debt ceiling is necessary to prevent another recession, but the latest Gallup poll says a majority of the public doesn’t want the limit to be increased. According to the polling firm, 53 percent of people who say they’re following the debt limit debate very closely said they want their member of Congress to vote against raising it. Just 37 percent said they wanted a vote to increase it. And just 34 percent of those who say they’re following the debate told Gallup they think not raising the limit would result in an economic crisis.

Obama says failure to reach debt compromise will be catastrophic! Now where and when have we heard that before? We have a spending problem that is WAY out of control. Are we going to fix it by spending more? Or are we going to “tear up our Credit Cards” as Momma told us to do when we were in trouble with our spending habits? Has this man and his spend crazed wife bothered to look out the White House windows? .. People are already out of work and going hungry because of the inflated prices. Did Obama not see the job numbers that came out last week and made the stock market fall like a rock in the ocean? What about all the people who have run out their unemployment benefit, and the people who are so tired of looking for jobs that they just gave up, and they are not even counted? It's clear he has not been to a gas station in years and saw haw much it cost to fill up our cars. Or to a grocery store to see the inflated prices that go up weekly .. We are not all the “Fat Cats with Private Jets like he thinks we are. We don’t all ride around to Spain or Africa on Air Force One with hundreds of our friends and servants! This president is so disconnected from what’s going on with the average family and how they are struggling that it not at all funny. And on top of all this we have the men and women in the military coming home with no jobs to return to. What’s going to happen to our Soldiers when there no jobs for them ? Are we going to have these men and woman living in the streets because they can’t find jobs?

All this when almost 1/2 of the people in this country don't pay any income tax at all and the other half end up paying their share.The "Hope and Change" think is just not what they expected.

This is the Resolute Desk that was built from the timbers of the HMS Resolute
and was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
It is considered a national treasure and an icon of the presidency.

Mr. Obama, you are not in a hut in Kenya, or public housing in Chicago. Get your feet off our desk!!