As The Bombs Fall In Libya, Lots Of Questions Still Remain Unanswered.

Congressional approval?... We don't need no stinkin congressional approval.

Let's make one thing clear here, when you are dropping bombs and fire missiles from war ships all day long day after day, after day, and they are firing back at you, and killing people, and destroying things, are in a war, however Obama can't be bothered with playing by the rules.

What I’d like to know is how do those bleeding heart Liberals find it in their BIG hearts to support justify attacking Libya and killing ALL of those so called Rebels? After all we heard about George Bush’s war. Why is this one not Obama’s war? And why is killing of those Libyans justified? I haven’t heard anything about their attacked the U.S. or posed a threat to America. Did I miss that? Since when was Gaddafi a threat to the USA?
And unlike George Bush, Obama didn’t find any need in consulting Congress .. I guess that he thought that being the King, it wasn’t necessary. Say what you may about George Bush, but I think that he unlike Obama loved America and still does. And he had best interest of the United States in his heart. . At least Bush had a reason for taking us to war, and so many of us agreed with him. This president saw no need to follow the Constitution.. As they say, “If American blood is to be spent, let congress, declare it war” . It's only Constitutional” It is not up to the president himself whether or not we take America to war.
Where are all those Libs with their signs now. Where are the “Stop the war” signs, slogans, bumper stickers?
Remember how many people bashed George Bush for his involvement in the Middle East? Remember the slogans, and the pictures they posted all over the internet? And the dirty names they called him and still do. Remember the lame stream media and the late night talk shows? Remember those idiots on the View blasting him every single day? Where are they now?
I guess when the Muslim Brotherhood is involved then they get a free pass.
I think that there are lots of unanswered questions that need to be answered! Like who are these so called rebels that we are supporting, and what is going to happen next? And since wen do we Over Throw Governments? And just what is Obama’s ulterior agenda? And most of all, who is next?

If anyone has a problem with my logic or views write a comment. I can’t promise that it will see the light of day, but it might.