So It Starts!

Like her or not, just as I predicted, the worthless, lowlife, Creeps on the Left have already started their slime campaign to destroy Michele Bachmann. Or as they call her “ Tea Party Extremist” The Lame-Brain Douche-bags leftist Media, Liberals, Progressives’s and Comrades have already begun their negative campaign. Just as we saw with all of the other possible candidate that threatened them. These people don't give a damn about this country, they just care about what this country can do for them, or should I say, Give to them. !
This time it’s a story about Michele Bachmann suffering from severe migraines. Can you believe this? Yes you read it right. “SEVERE MIGRAINES” In other words “Headaches”
But of course this story is intended to leave to others with the thought that because Michele Bachmann suffers from severe migraines, there is some other medical problem that she is hiding from the voting public.
According to the story, an ABC reporter by the name of Brian Ross asked her about her “CONDITION,” and that didn’t go over very well with Michele Bachmann’s handlers who got got pretty aggressive with Brian Ross who thought just because he was a Lefty representative of a Daily Slime TV station he could get away with anything, especially if it’s a conservative women that he attacks. Asking her about her “her medical condition” implies that she has a medical condition.
I wonder if Brian Ross ever asked Hillary Clinton how she felt the day after she was attacked by snipers shooting at her (And Her Lying Daughter) in Bosnia? Or if he asked Ted Kennedy if he was tired from swimming away from Mary Jo Kopechne when she was drowning at Chappaquiddick? Or how Barack Obama and the Moocher ware able to sit in Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years and didn’t hear any anti White, or anti American or anti Semitic rants?. Would he have dared to ask JFK if he ever “Bagged” Marilyn Monroe?
The liberals want to destroy Michele Bachmann by any means necessary, and they will do their dirtiest work to destroy Michele Bachmann's campaign before it even gets off the ground. It’s an old familia tactic of theirs. And I’ll tell you something else, these Lefty Progress Ass-Holes should be ashamed of themselves at the way their party treats Women. It should be disgrace to all women. But the Progressive flakes would rather see their Marxist hero remain in power no matter what and no matter who they have to destroy.
So yes it started, just as they ganged up and ht Sarah Palin and her daughters and her Husband with everything they had, the will do the same to Michele Bachmann. Why? Because they are afraid of Michele Bachmann.
And don’t think for one minute that Obama and his Stooges aren’t behind all this.

And they want us to Compromise? I say they should go to hell.