Republicans for Obama! Who Are They Kidding?

After Slumming through the Garbage Dumpsters of Liberal Blogs today, I came across a post written by a completely ignorant Liberal moron who is oblivious of facts, or completely blatantly ignores them. Anyway she wrote about a Website called “Republicans for Obama”

Now who and why would any Republican not only support this Lame-Brained Clown who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow, but start a website by that tittle and expect to get members to go long with that stupidity. So today, I took a little trip down the lane to see what it was all about. And sure enough I wasn’t at all surprised. This was a LIBERAL, PROGRESSIVE, LEFT WING-NUT-JOB, COMMIE-PINKO or whatever based piece of CRAP by a bunch of Jackass’s who expect Republican's to buy this junk! If this were true, those Republicans would have to be the most idiotic and gullible group on the planet today. What Republican in their right mind would even consider that nonsense.

And nowhere did I see the latest polls that show 50 percent of voters think it’s time for someone new, while 44 percent believe Obama has done well enough to deserve re-election. And that the drop in his job approval can be attributed to a decrease in support among Democrats! I guess that the Republicans for Obama must have missed that.
Obama is still continuing to blame ALL of his problems and his failures on George Bush and the Bush administration, but the voters are just aren’t buying that crapola any longer. We all have become wise to that old song, and we all know that Obama has to Man up to his failures because it just ain’t Bush’s fault any longer. It’s hight time that he take ownership to his failed presidency.

Who are they kidding? Certainly not me and not you! . We all know that Republicans are not, and I repeat NOT going to be voting for Comrade Obama
No Matter What! In fact I doubt if eve half of the Democratic base will be supporting this Clown the way they did in 08. \When you think about what this Community Organizer has done to America in only 2 1'2 short years you want to scream, not support this Jackass. Just think about how he has wrecked our economy, at what he has don’t to the Job market, the housing situation, people can’t sell a house today, the average house for sale has been on the market for over a year and a half. Look at our national security, and the idiots in charge of the TSA, and our Homeland Security, and the mobs of Illegal’s entering our country each and every day and how Obama wants to legalize them so that they would vote for his re-election. If that ain’t nerve, audacity, and chutzpa , then I don’t know what is.
Do these idiots on this website really think that this is going to pressure Republicans into supporting Obama and that they would buy any of this BULL? Come on now, I know that these Libs and Progressives are a bit off their rockers but this?

Welcome to realty. "The Republicans for Obama!" Is a Farce, a Fraud, a Phony, and a Fake. Or They Are a Bunch of Flakes. Either one, is probably true. Despite their claim they are a Scam!

As a member of the Republican party myself. I do apologize for these phony, frauds, and flakes for saying things that NO REAL Republican would ever say or write and to be so critically about their own party.