Mr. Obama, Do I Hate Thee? Do I Despise You? How much do I Despise You? Let Me Count The Ways.

Aside from the fact that Obama is the most extreme left winger in politics today and is doing his best to bring his socialist policies and his agenda to bring America down to the level of his Muslim Brothers, there are many other things to dislike about his philosophy and his policies, and his greed, and his racist ways, and his need for attention.
But then again what would anyone expect from a person who was elected only because of the color of his skin. Why should we expect anything presidential from a Community Organizer of a Community of Thugs, Racist’s and Terrorists? A man with no experience or qualifications for anything other than sitting in a Racist Church for 20 years without hearing anything from one of the most racist Pastors that America has ever witnessed aside form Screwy Louie Farrakhan, from the Nation of PissOn..
Why should anyone hate an American President who will only blame others for everything that goes wrong during his Administration and Bows down to the Dictators of the world, or who has violated the oath of his office, or has put us in dept of trillions of dollars, and who has totally screwed up the Job market of America, and who has lets ILLEGAL Mexican etc. people into our country only to improve his chances of being re elected, even though ILLEGAL’S are not supposed to vote, and ILLEGAL’S are ILLEGAL. And because he clearly hates the constitution and has trampled all over it not only once but many, many time. And who has brought us to a third war while promising to end the other two.
Yes these are a few of the reason why I despise and why I oppose him. Not because of his color though the lefties will say that’s my reason, but because his policies are detrimental to America. And the lefties know damn well that’s true. How stupid can people get ? The liberals were always so quick to use the word "hate" when it came to George Bush, but now that they are in power, everything that the opposing party say about this Socialist is related to his color. Well that’s bull-shit and if that’s what they want to think, then so be it.
Obama and his Moocher wife have spent more money in his first two years, than any other Presidential Administration in our history has was that also Bush's fault?
Was it Bush’s fault when the “Moocher” took hundreds of her friends all over the world , and wined and dined them on our dime?

And all these brainless liberal boobs, have to say about it is how charming this Queen of Flab is. She would know anything abut charm if it bit her in her fat ass. While the Moocher campaigns against childhood obesity, she stuffs everything that fits into her mouth, from French Fries to Greaseburgers. and Chicken Wings
Who gives a crap about their "date night". I care about them taking Air Force One out and spending $6800.00 an hour to fly. Someone should tell this guy that being President is not exactly like being The King. And that we are 14 trillion in debt !

And now I'll give you folks a chance
. How much do you hate this guy and his party? Vent here...........................