I think that we can say Good-bye, to Mr Barack Hussein Obama.
By now I'm sure that everyone has heard about the problem the president is having with Speaker of the House John Boehner, or is it that Speaker of the House John Boehner is having a problem dealing with the president? And by now we all know that we have an enormous out of control debt which can become even bigger if the president gets his way. This of course depend on the members of the Government who can`t reach to a solution to the problem . Right now, the Speaker Mr. Boehner seems to be the only one who has even proposed a "plan". The plan will raise the debt ceiling, without raising taxes. “We’re here to change Washington — no more smoke-and-mirrors, no more ‘phantom cuts.’ We promised that we will cut spending more than we increase the debt limit — with no tax hikes — and we will keep that promise." BUT president Barack Obama and that phony Harry Reid will NOT accept that plan because it was It was written by the Tea Party and not the American people.
Wow, and silly me always thought that the "Tea Party" WERE American people. I guess I was wrong, are they French? Or are they Libyan?
Golly Gee, who the hell are they?

And we see Obama standing in the background just saying No, No, No, so much for the "C" word. I really think that Obama doesn't even have a plan of his own, he is just there to say NO. Could it be that he is unfamiliar with the process? Could it be that's why when he was a Senator he voted "Present'" so often! My research shows that he did so 129.
When asked, Reid said that he believes that Speaker Boehner would like to avoid default but noted that “he sure has a funny way of showing it.” I guess that we can say the same thing about Mr. Harry Reid, he sure has a funny way about showing "Compromise" We should be calling the word "Compromise" the "C" word. Because it now has become a dirty word.

Bottom line, will the US Government default on Aug 2nd? times, will these lefty ignoramuses get their act together?
And once again we see the
hysteria put before the American public by Obama, With is threats and his scolding. I say, let him threat, he's full for crap and they all know it. But will his Fear Mongering succeed ? Probably. It will probably will only because the American public is so stupid. And that's why this Fear Mongering Idiot was elected in the first place. The US Social Security has enough surplus to be sustainable at least until 2042, with or without Obama's approval. Is rebuilding and refurbishing Mosques all over the world more important?.

Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world.

Found on "Fact Check!

Q: Is President Obama using tax dollars to rebuild mosques around the world?

A: Yes — and to rebuild historic churches and temples as well. The State Department’s program to preserve overseas cultural landmarks started funding projects under President Bush in 2001. While millions of Americans struggle to keep their homes and jobs, President Barack Obama can’t give your tax dollars away fast enough.

And yet the Greek Orthodox church at Ground Zero STILL has not been RE-BUILT after TEN Years! Go Figure that! Yes, the Greek Orthodox church, St. Nicholas that was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks has not been allowed to be rebuilt. What is going on with that? So I guess that we can assume it’s OK for a Mosque to be built there but not to REBUILD a church that was destroyed by these Muslim Terrorists. I thought this was America. Thanks Mr. Obama, I'll remember that, and so will Millions of other American's. As well as remembering that we have a Spending Crisis that will continue until this president's failed policies are changed.