I Watched This Video That Was E-mailed to Me Earlier This Morning, And I Almost Gave Back My Breakfast.
I get sick to my stomach when I see what this President and his Cronies are doing and is getting away with. Investigations have found that we have been sending millions of dollars over seas to rebuild Islamic Mosques! Can you believe this? But yes, it’s true.I watched a video e-mailed to me earlier this morning, and I almost gave back my brreakfast. The Vacationer In Chief just authorized another 80 Million dollars to potential Islamic Terrorists to come to America. Where is the Outcry here? And why isn’t this being publicized? And why doesn’t his party, the party of Idiots speak out? Why don’t we have a tax revolt when he is throwing away all this money to our potential enemies? . We don't have enough money to spend on ourselves and to create jobs for our own citizens and for our returning Vets, but we throw it away on building and refurbishing Mosques over seas, so that these TERRORISTS might get to “like us” Is our current regime crazy? Or is he crazy like a Fox? We need to get the message out, we need to get these dead-heads, and these lame-brains to understand what’s really going on with this Socialist that THEY put in the White House. We have to replace all of them. They have already forgetting why we elected them, or they never cared why. . W e already give foreign aid to 150 out of 191 foreign Countries, This has to stop. We are throwing our much need money to people who want to kill us or to people who hate us. Can you imagine the hell that would break loose with the ACLU if this kind of money was being used to Build or “Refurbish” CHRISTIAN or JEWISH Churches or Synagogues? Especially OVERSEAS! Or if George Bush were doing this!I think it would be very hard if not impossible for any Republican President to get re-elected if the American taxpayer found out this was going on.
If this isn't despicable, then I don't know what despicable is! And those lefties say that I’m despicable? And I’m a Racist! And that I make these things up! Well, I don’t give a Camel’s ass what they think. In fact, as long as they call me these names, and try to discredit me with their “So Called” self serving George Soros Funded Sources …Yes, the George Soros Self Serving Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million people all over the world every Month. And his chief achievement is known as moveon.org. A site that our Progressive friends love to quote as a major “SOURCE” So it’s no wonder that he gets the influence he wants, he buys it. . He owns and operates 180 different operations with liberal propaganda that HE calls and wants you to think is “News” Not to mention the power of the liberal-controlled Hollywood and TV industry. And we have all seen that on just to mention a few, David Letterman, The View and the Oprah show. . He puts out that BS in Books, Newspapers, Radio stations especially shows like those on NPR, TV stations, Websites and Videos. He spent $27 million dollars alone just on trying to defeat George Bush in 2004. And you can bet your last buck that he was the one that got Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race to clear the way for Barack Obama. The more I know that MY argument is invalid. Only our votes can stop this Mad Man before he completely destroys our country. But I got a feeling that it's going to be a very good year, Obama is going down and he is taking the Democrat Party with him