With Friends like Obama Who Needs Enemies

Where does an fraud and a amateur and the the son of a Muslim father like Obama get off lecturing the history of Israel to a True Man of Honor, An Israeli Soldier, An intellectual, and a TRUE Leader who is way beyond the league of Barack Hussain Obama and a REAL leader? And all of the things he is not. A history that not only dates back the 63 years since the SIX DAY WAR, but for almost 4,000 years that the Jewish people have been struggling and suffering from the threats and the wars initiated by the Arabs.
A Liberal reader of this blog sent a comment along with a link, from what he calls “ A PRETTY CONSERVATIVE NEWS SOURCE” Where he claims that it points out that no where did Obama say that he was expecting Israel to return to the pre 1967 borders and that he was basically restating the policy of our previous three Presidents, Bush I, Bush II, and Clinton.
Once again we see a Obama apologist not accepting any responsibility for the Obama policies. But sharing the blame with Former Republican Presidents.

My answer is, Do you REALLY think that anyone really needs a link of any kind to tell us what a Back Stabbing SOB this man is. And I use the word “Man” not the Title “President” As I am totally ashamed to call this man the President. This speech was the straw that broke the camels back. And Obama should know all about Camels and their backs!
And lets put this ridiculous demand aside just for one second, and let me ask you this, Do you really think that the Palestinians want peace? I don’t for one second. And if you do, then you don’t have a clue about these lying terrorist. How about the last time they negotiated for peace, they wanted an exchange for 980 of their prisoners for ONE Israel. 980 TERRORISTS for ONE Soldier. That’s the way that Radical Islam does things, that’s how they compromise. Do we really want to negotiate with people that want demands like that? Do you really think they are sincere? These people are not only ridiculous, but they don’t want peace. They had so many chances to negotiate on a level playing field but that’s not what they wanted. . The Palestinians don't really want peace. Benyamin Netanyahu said it best when he said, “ Israel can only make peace with those who want to make peace.” Yasir Arafat had the best deal that he would ever get back in 2000 when Clinton hosted the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations when Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian State, and The Palestinian Pig turned down the offer. He will never get that offer again. Arafat was offered just about everything he wanted, but no that wasn’t enough what he really wanted was the total destruction of Israel. And that’s what Hamas and most Palestinians want today.

No, they will never get that kind of offer again. At least I hope that they don’t. These Pigs only want one thing and that’s to run Israel into the sea. And I hope to God that never happens, but with the pathetic Socialist in Chief in office, who knows!
In fact If I were Netanyahu, I would have refused to even meet with him today.
My Jewish Liberal friends, this President, who was helped to get into office by a great majority of the Jewish vote, chose to back stab the State of Israel by demanding a peace agreement based on the return to the pre 1967, indefensible borders. He is the first American President to do so, and he did this knowing all the time that this was the day before he was to meet Prime Minister Netanyahu. Another a slap in his face.
I only hope that every Jew especially the Liberal Jews remember what Obama said yesterday, and remember it when they go to vote next November! How can any American Jew ever vote or donate money to his campaign again? Because if they do, they are clearly fools and deserve everything they get. Lets hope that they already know that.
And you don’t heae a peep from the WHIMP’S like our Jewish representatives like Joe Lieberman or Chucky Smucky Schuemer.