IF This Doesn’t Piss You Off, Then It’s Too Late For YOU!

IF This Doesn’t Piss You Off, Then Nothing Can Piss You Off!

Today I stumbled across a story that I'd like to being to your attention.
A 11-year-old boy student in America, yes in America, in the Butterfield Elementary School in Orange, Massachusetts to be exact, was told by his art class teacher that he may not hang his drawing of an American Flag because it might “offend” another student. The boy, Frankie Girard, who had drawn the picture in art class even asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told “NO” He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there.”
As his Father later said “I guess that his teacher didn’t share his patriotism”
Leftists have allowed us to BURN the Flag, but as shown here, an 11 year old boy can not even display his own drawing of the American Flag. Is this the “Hope and Change” you voted for?
To be offended by the American flag? Why don’t they simply get rid of the student who is offended and put him someplace where he fits in, like in a Mosque. This is where all the others that are offended by America needs to go. And get your Two Cents our of our faces. . There are no fences here keeping people like them here, if they don’t like our customs then there are Boats and Planes leaving ever few minutes.

There is more to the story here. “It is claimed that this incident followed an altercation in which the OFFENDED ONE struck Frankie after Frankie asked him why he didn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
As for the accusation leveled against the teacher, it’s denied by the school superintendent, Dr. Paul Burnim. He refused to go on camera, but, reports WWLP.com’s Matt Caron, “told 22News over the phone that nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn’t hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture.”

In 2009, Debbie McLucas of Arlington, Texas, who comes from a very patriotic family, in fact her husband and both of her sons served in the U.S. military, and her daughter was deployed to Iraq on her second tour of duty as a combat medic at the time.

When Debbie arrived at work at the hospital where she was employed, she noticed that the American she had hung in her office for Memorial Day was gone. When she questioned it, she was told were offensive, and that the flag had been removed, she was told that ?as long as my flag offended one person, it would be taken down”.

In a middle school art class in California’s Santa Rita School District, Tracy Hathaway, a student was told not to draw Old Glory because it was “OFFENSIVE,” She had drawn the flag and was drawing the letters, ‘God bless America,’ when the teacher told her,” ‘You can’t draw that – that’s offensive.’” And this happened while another student was being praised for drawing a picture of President Obama.
Her Mother was quoted as saying: “My daughter wasn’t trying to break any rules and she wasn’t trying to create a scene,” she said. “She was just expressing her view and saying this is America and I want God to bless it.”
So much for Hope and Change! I can remember when this would be called an infringement of our basic rights of freedom of speech & expression. How can anyone justify this? Kind of makes you wonder if there are there any "Real" Americans left in America.
Welcome to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Make you want to ask, if this is still America?

A 3-year-old boy named Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike. He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He's had the flag on his bike for two months but was told to take it down.
What in the world has gone wrong with America? And where in the world is she heading to? This is certainly NOT the Hope and Change we wanted or that we needed.