Inherited It from Bush?

While some on the left say “ It should be noted that President Obama gave the order to kill, not take into custody, Osama bin Laden. And while some on the right cling to the notion that all Obama did was say "go" and as such, he deserves little credit, you can be sure if the operation had failed, few on the right would resist the urge to call him to account. If the man at the top is to get the blame for a failed operation, then by rights, and to be consistent, he should get the credit for a successful operation.” My answer to them is. If Obama wants to say that “He Obama say that he "Inherited this and that and everything else all from George Bush" Why don’t he say that he"Inherited the information obtained about Osama bin Laden from George Bush" from George Bush’s persistence in Water-boarding. Yes we water-boarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and that’s how we got some of the information which led to Osama bin Laden ‘s location. So what does that mean? It means that when George Bush authorized the Water-Boarding it was so friggen terrible, but when we benefited so much from it . Obama grabbed the credit for it... as usual.

Lets face it and call it like it is, Obama is a very gracious man. You will always fin him takeing credit for anything he can that's positive.
And he blames George Bush and everyone else that he can for anything that’s negative. It’s very predictable. But then again, that’s what Liberals do.
And lets not forget that Obama continued the Bush policies of keeping Gitmo open and not closing it down as he promised he would. And Yes, it was pretty much what Obama did do, He gave the order to “GO ahead order” Obama did not come up with the plan to pull this off. This plan was in the woks for years. And Yes, I DO give “ Obama some credit for a successful operation.” A little, very little. Lets look at the video tape as they say. All the below happened within the time fram of about ONE WEEK. One Week of being harassed and getting his ass kicked by Donald Trump. 1. He Out of the Blue produced his Birth Certificate after 2 years. 2. Gaddafi's Son and grandchildren get killed, ehen they really was trying to know off Gaddafi himself. And who changed the US and world policy to now say that it was okey to kill a foreign leader. 3. He pulls off the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Maybe he really is the Messiah? Maybe he really does have Super Powers?

And please don’t give me that BS about this made Obama’s re-election a certain shoe in. I’ll tell you why, I’m not going to take anything away from the great job done by the Nunber 6 Unit of the Navy Seals who are undoubtably the best Unit in the Armed Forced today. But after yesterday’s accomplishment wears off and people will still be out of work and people will still be losing their homes, and the US dollar will still be at an all time low, and don't forget the Oil prices, and Obama still will want to raise taxes and spend, spend, spend it will be back to politics as usual. And Obama will still be taking those idiotic Vacations and throwing those Celebrity parties, and kissing the behinds of those Commie Dictators. Pulling the “GO” button on Osam bin Laden does not change the fact that his domestic policies are bankrupting this country. This will help his ratings yes it will, but by no means will it make his re-election a “shoe in” Yes, it will be back to politics as usual. And another thing that REALLY puzzles me is, How did all those people get together with American Flags so late at night? How did all those people got those flags so quickly at 11:00 or 12:00 at night when the stores are all closed? And what store carries SO MANY American Flags? People don’t keep American Flags in the trunks of their car just waiting for Osama bin Laden to get killed . Needless to say, seeing that really shocked me. So what am I getting at? I’ll tell you what, The first thing that I noticed was that all of those people were just about the same age and to me it look like the crowds were planned in advance, because there is no way that so many people can get flags out that quickly and all gather at the same places at 12:00 at night. Say what you want, and I know that some of you lefty liberal butt buddies out there will call me names for saying this but I say those crowds were set up. I don’t trust this man for one second. . Ok, lets all enjoy the good news for now, We' will surly learn more as the days go by, we have not heard the whole story here, it’s is not over, not by a long shot, and the truth will prevail. And remember whenever you get the chance to see or meet a Navy Seal, be sure to thank him and buy him a drink. .