We Are ALL Israelis Today!
Did you ever think you would see the day when an American President would throw Israel under the Bus?We have to hand it to Obama, he is consistent in his anti-America, anti-Israel policies. He has backed the Muslims and their cause every time he has had the opportunity to.
We get the message, we get it loud and clear, unfortunately, it took our Jewish Liberal friends too long to see through this lying fraud. And now look at what has happened.
Obama urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders.
Were you surprised? I wasn't! This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, the handwriting was on the wall since day one.. Obama was waiting to throw Israel under the bus for a very long time. My complaint is that the Jewish Liberals here in America are remaining silent? And I’d even bet that most of these people would vote for this CLOWN again tomorrow if they had the chance. Obama has been siding with the Palestinians and with Hamas all along, rememberer that speech in Cairo, when he apologized for America to the Muslim world!!!!! And where he said that he said that the Israelis must respect the legitimate claims of the Palestinians!. ..Obama has always been siding with Israel's enemies. And yet the American Liberal Jews love him! How blind could people possibly be? .
Forcefully stepping into an explosive Middle East debate, President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed a key Palestinian demand for the borders of its future state and prodded Israel to accept that it can never have a truly peaceful nation based on “permanent occupation.” Obama’s urging that a Palestinian state be based on 1967 borders – before the Six Day War in which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza – was a significant shift in the U.S. approach. It drew an immediate negative response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is to meet with Obama at the White House Friday.
So you called me names when I urged you NOT to vote for that Socialist Muslim! I was anti this and anti that, and a bigot and everything else under the sun.
Well I hope that your Happy Now with this Hope and Change Bull-Shit! You wanted him, You got him.
The only problem is, I have him as well as do the people of Israel.
And what do the Liberals have to say about Obama's ANTI Israeli speech that is siding with the Terrorists? Not a word, they are too busy blogging about Gay Marriage. Or are they too embarrassed?
Perhaps Allen West Said it best!
Congressman Allen West Response to President Barack Obama's Callfor a Two State Solution in Israel
(WASHINGTON) --- Congressman Allen West (FL-22) released his statement today:
"Today’s endorsement by President Barack Obama of the
creation of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the
pre-1967 borders, signals the most egregious foreign policy decision his administration has made to date, and could be The beginning of the end as we know it for the Jewish state.
From the moment the modern day state of Israel declared
statehood in 1948, to the end of the 1967 Six Day War, Jews were forbidden access to their holiest site, the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, controlled by Jordan’s Arab army.
The pre-1967 borders endorsed by President Obama would deny millions of the world’s Jews access to their holiest site and force Israel to return the strategically important Golan Heights to Syria, a known state-sponsor of terrorism.
Resorting to the pre-1967 borders would mean a full
withdrawal by the Israelis from the West Bank and the Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. Make no mistake,
there has always been a Nation of Israel and Jerusalem has been and must always be recognized as its rightful capital.
In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by
President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the
world’s 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.
America should never negotiate with the Palestinian
Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people.
It's time for the American people to stand by our strongest ally, the Jewish State of Israel, and reject this foreign policy blunder of epic proportions.
While the winds of democracy may blow strong in the Middle East, history has demonstrated that gaps in leadership can lead to despotic regimes. I have questions for President Obama: 'Who will now lead in Egypt?' and
Why should American taxpayers provide foreign aid to a
nation where the next chapter in their history may be the emergence of another radical Islamic state?'
President Obama has not stood for Israel or the Jewish
people and has made it clear where the United States will stand when Palestine attempts to gain recognition of statehood by the United Nations. The President
should focus on the real obstacle to security- the
Palestinian leadership and its ultimate goal to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people.”