Osama Is Swimming With The Fishes.. Was It A Good Idea? Was It The Right Idea?

WASHINGTON – U.S. official's says Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea. Officials in hell say he received NO virgins.

OK, Osama Bin Laden is now swimming with the fishes, and trust me I DO believe it. But was it the right idea?
While I am very happy that Osam Bin Laden is dead, I have to question the idea of the quick burial at sea.
Yes, yes, yes, I know that it's the Muslim custom to bury the dead within 24 hours. But who really give a crap about the Muslim customs?
Did that Slime-Bucket care about the many costumes of the more than 3,000 innocent Americans that he MURDERED? We all know the answer to that. So why the hell did we have to please them?
Obama sais that we have to handel his remains in accordance with Islamic Customs, and we all know that he know all about Islamic Customs! And Islamic Customs requires that all Muslims including Slime-Buckets be buried within 24 hours. So we fed his miserable Carcass to the fishes. Once again "bowing down" to please the Muslim community.

Yes, don't get me wrong, I do feel that this long over due event was handled in an astonishing way, and that EVERY one involved should be commended, and certainly most of all those FABULOUS Navy Seals. I'm not exactly sure about the decision to feed Osama to the Fishes.
Would burying him like anyone else make his burial ground a Shrine to his followers? YEP, no question about that.
But in this day of disbelieve of just about anything said or done by the United States Government (Barack Hussain Obama) people are going to put this on top of their list of Conspiracies. Second to only the Birth Certificate issue. Will there be Osama sightings like there are Elvis sightings? You can count on it. The burial of someone, (anyone) should be handled and used to honer the custom of a DESERVING person, not a Gutter Rat.

Is being beheaded a Custom of ANY American's religious beliefs?
It is estimated that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths from the World Trade Tower. Was that in accordance with any American’s religious beliefs? Those people were conscious before they hit the ground and were about to feel their death coming . The didn’t have the luxury of being shot in the head.
So maybe we should have fed his miserable stinking carcass to a bunch of hungry hogs

The Government most likely saved the American taxpayers millions of dollars by not having a trial for this Piece of Crap and eventually the imprisonment costs and then the cost of a execution. And the hoopla that would be involved with it all. And I agree that would not be a good thing. . But how wonderful would it have been to see that Rat Bastard in handcuffs.. And to give the 9-11 families the chance to kick the shit out of him on public television. I know that would be the absolute wrong thing to do, but it was just a dream. I still can in-vision the picture of Mussolini hanging upside down on meat hooks after being shot and then beat up by all those housewives, etc..

It didn't seem to bother the people in the streets who were climbing the telephone poles and waving ALL thos American flags and celebrating like the "War on Terror" was over. Did I say "War on Terror"? Opps, I almost forgot, that there isn't any "War on Terror" at least that why our Dear Leader the "Great One" tells us.
OK, yes Osama is dead and I truley believe it and yes it was long over due. But lets face it, this does not at all diminished the fact that Al-Qaida is still the number one enemy. Osama was nothing more than a figure head, sure we needed to take him out, but we have not lessened the treat of terrorist acts One Iota. In fact the threat of another terrorist attack is now more certain than ever.
Lets also give thanks to George Bush for his relentless continuation of Waterboarding, and not giving in to the Leftist pressuring to stop it. Because without it, Obama would not be getting all this praise for the Osama bin Laden Kill.
And lets remember Obama was going to close Gitmo, and end the interrogations, and try the detainees in New York City.

To Further Make My Point. Here is what the Former Heroine Cindy Sheehan of the Left Said Yesterday

"I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid. Just think to yourself--they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead--why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent--just put your flags away and THINK!"

So is Osama Bin Laden really dead? Some people are saying that he was Invited to the Royal Wedding, and showed up incognito..
Knowing there would be disbelievers, he should not have been thrown into the sea.
Wasn’t it amusing to see a bunch of liberals college brats drinking beer and waving American flags at 11:30 PM in celebration of the result of what George Bush accomplished during his awful water boarding at Gitmo.

Was that joyous celebration staged?

If not, how did all those college kids get together so fast and where did they get all those American Flags from at 11:30 PM?