It's The Same Leftist Clown's Who Were SO Against Water-Boarding , Who Are Praising Obama Now

The Navy SEAL’s were successful in their mission, why? Because the Warrior in Chief gave the ok and pressed the "GO" button after 16 hours of deliberation knowing all those hours that Osama bin Laden was definitely at that location, and he kept those brave Navy Seals dangling by a thread while he "thought it over".
Is that where the credit belongs?
Look, I'm perfectly willing to give some credit to the Warrior in Chief. But lets give credit where due. Most of the credit belongs of course to the Brave and And that is to the person that was relentless in carrying out the interrogations or as the lefties call it, "enhanced interrogation" at Gitmo and at other places where the enemy was interrogated, no matter what was said about him. I don't hear a peep out of them on that subject now. Nor did I hear anything from them when American's were beheaded! Or didn't they consider that to be torture? The entire trail that led to Osama bin Laden in Pakistan began about 2 years ago when some aggressive interrogations of Al-Qaida detainees at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay paid off in spades. Does anyone of you Lefties think that they would have talked if we didn't water-board them? So in this Mans opinion, George Bush was right: Water-boarding terrorists saves innocent American lives, and now we learned it also led to the capture and killing of the worlds most wanted murder. Lets call it as it really is, the order by George Bush to water-board Khalid Sheikh Mohammed caused this murderous lunatic to give up the information that led to the capture of several of these terrorist murderers and eventually to the capture and the killing of Osama bin Laden. This is a fact, it is not debatable. Period.
I think that is pretty obvious, who the real “Wing-Nuts” are now!

I wonder what these lefties and President Obama think about water-boarding now?”
As Peter King Said : It came from a prison where Khaled Sheik Mohammed was being interrogated. Waterboarding was used, and it was during the interrogation of Khaled Sheik Mohammed, through waterboarding, that this information was learned.

Yes. I regret very much that it took the last 10 years to capture this bastard Osama bin Laden, arguably the world's most notorious terrorist who has avoided capture and escaped across the Afghan border into Pakistan. And is Pakistan really to blame for this long delay? I think that there is no doubt about it and that the US should get to the bottom of this and seriously think about the money we are sending them in Foreign Aid! But thanks to the relentless, brave and heroic work of our military, the Navy Seals and our counter terrorism professionals, the job as been done. And although we know that there is no doubt that Al Qaeda will continue to plan attacks against us, we must do what we must do. .. And I thank you all. May God bless you and your families.
And may God bless the United States of America..