What The Hell Was She Thinking? Is This Supposed to Comfort Us Or Outrage Us?
As the Stock Market Tumbles 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) Points this morning following a drop of 283 points yesterday. As the number of Americans that are unemployed reaches 14 million, And as
As homeowners all over the country are struggling to make their monthly montage payments, or to simply put food on their tables. And as over 2.9 million homes have foreclosed in the last two and a half years (since Obama has been in office)
And as Our Dear Leader tell us Americans that “Everyone Must Sacrifice”
The Moocher wears a $42000 diamond bangle to a fund raiser in New York yesterday.
But lets put things in their proper perspective, if she wore a pair of $600 tennis shoes to hand out food to the homeless, then this wasn’t as bad as it seems.
What was that, that Barack Obama was saying the other day about “It’s not class warfare…it’s math!”