Jobs Plan?

They say that Albert Einstein once said: The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The first stimulus package failed, the second stimulus package failed, and now he want’s to try it all over again a third time. Obama's lack of experience and leadership is really amazing, whenever you think he can't get more outrageous, he not only does, but he takes it to a new level.
No, I’m not saying that Obama is insane, although that may be another topic open for discussion, but I am saying that he keeps doing the same old failed things over and over again calls it different titles such as his “Jobs Plan” and still he expects different results. How many times has he suggested to raise the Taxes from those so called Millionaires? The Millionaires wh make $200,000 a year or the families that make over $250,000 a year? How many times has he seen this “Plan” get shot down?
And now his “Plan” it to tax more and more and raise $450 Billion from tese taxes to create Jobs? Is this a case of Insanity or Incompetence, or both?
And the Leftist Idiots blog about this nut-jobs accomplishments, and about what a “Great” job he’s doing! How many times has it been proven that higher taxes kill jobs, it prevents employers from hiring new people, as his Obamacare is doing. .
Is that why his ratings are sinking like a block of concrete in the ocean? Oh sure, Obama is doing a great job alright.. -He’s doing a great job at destroying this Nation, and a great job at crapping all over our the Constitution, and at bankrupting the country, and at promoting illegal immigration, and at turning America into a third world nation. This man just does not understand or refuses to understand that to way to win a war, be it the war against terror in America or the war in Afghanistan is to show and use strength, not to pussy-foot around and apologize to our enemies.
Why is it that all democrat presidents want to cut our military, especially these days when our military is so important? If he wants to cut anything then cut the money that we are sending to Egypt and Libya these other countries who are not friendly and who will never be friendly to America, didn’t 9-11 show us that?
And Obama' wants to tax the Corporate Jet owners, it always seems as if he wants to punish people who have done well and have made money from hard and honest work.
He never seems to miss a chance to castigate the wealthy or corporations or big business. The hypocrisy of it all is that Obama cronies and buddies are the Hollywood big shots who all own private Jets. Under capitalism, companies and or Corporations exist to make money. That’s what it’s all about. Are we to be punished because we did well? Capitalism is a system where companies are owned by private individuals, and these individuals are the ones who employ the workers, the ones who “CREATE JOBS”. So why punish them by over taxing them?
Stimulus 1 didn’t work, neither did Stimulus 2, neither did his bail outs, or his clunker program, etc., etc. and etc. Maybe Moochie should spend some of her vacation money ( 10 Million dollars) in the USA. Instead of in Africa and Spain, Latin America, Ireland, and in Great Britain.
The real problems are not going to go away by raising taxes. How many times will he do the same things that prove they don’t work , over and over again?
This Charlatan thinks that the American people are so stupid and that we are going to believe and buy anything that he says. Maybe the the 95% of the Blacks that will vote for him no matter what, will believe him, but the rest of us that think before we pull the lever down don’t. And that’s why he must be a one-termer.
Almost 50 percent of the American people do not pay ANY taxes at all. They get enough of a tax credits to wipe out their income tax entirely. I can understand that the people who are wealthy should pay a higher tax rate then the other group. That’s a given no problem, it's the
American way and a tradition, however, when does the American tradition give the employer a break?
It's the same old song and dance,
all Obama is doing is redistributing money that came from someone else.
And we all know what that is called.

It's called SOCIALISM a system where the production of goods and money, are owned by the State! And Unemployment Is The Liberal Way!