Time To Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over. Thank God.

Stop the Press!

When the thrill that ran up and down your leg is gone, it’s gone, and when a scam collapses, it stays collapsed. When those government idiots at the TSA made the Americans so mad that it all but crippled the travel industry. When the the economy took the biggest nose dive in the past 50 or more years. When Obama's blames his incompetence and incapability of running the country on everyone but himself. When Rep. Andre Carson, , a member of the caucus leadership, said Tea Party-aligned lawmakers view blacks as "second-class citizens" and would like to see African Americans "hanging on a tree.". And when Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa said when introducing President Obama, “one thing about working people is, we like a good fight,” and that they “are ready to march” against the Tea Party, which he feels has taken up a charge against workers. Calling the Detroit crowd into battle, he cried, “Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back!” "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong When Frederica Wilson of the Congressional Black Caucus said, The tea party holds Congress hostage…They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president." When a so called Reverent like Jesse Jackson says at an event honoring Dr. Martin Luther king, "The Tea Party Supports the Slave Amendment” When Maxine Waters said " "We have to stand up and fight. It's fight time...We're not afraid of the tea party, they can go directly to Hell" When the Moochie's vacations became more of a priority the American public's jobs. When the US Attorney General accepts intimidation at the voting poles, and give the Black Panthers preferential treatment. When someone like King Samir Shabazz the chairman of the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia, can stand around in a black beret and a black military uniform, near City Hall condemning "Crackers" and exhorting black passers-by to rise up against their "slave-masters" . The same Black Panther leader who along with Louis Farrakhan met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to build an alliance. When the Attorney General of the United States states that America is a nation of "cowards" when it comes to race. And when the Vice President of the United States call half of the population of these United States Domestic Terrorists Then Baby, it's time to turn out the lights, The Party's Over for Barack Hussein Obama and the Moocher, and the rest of the Commie/Socialist's/Progressives/Rats. Can you imagine if members of the Ku Klux Klan stood around in military uniforms, with night sticks, in front of a polling place? When the Republicans win an upset victory in a New York House race that was held by a Democrat for the past 90 years, that became a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic policies, it's a sign of the times! When everything the people want is being ignored and whatever we don't want is being shoved down our throats the road, we know that we are on the road to Socialism. The same Barack Obama who wants Israel to bring back the 1967 boarders. And who wants to "Spread the Wealth Around". The same Barack Obama who paled around with Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground.
Maybe the Liberal Progressives will form a third party now that Obama’s Goose is Cooked. Hey how about that new guy in town Carl Lewis, he’s a Pro at “Running” Who’s next? Michael Jordan? Or perhaps OJ Simpson.