It's All In The Family.

Uncle Onyango And Aunt Zeituni. Illegal Alien’s! But so what? It's All In The Family.

First Uncle Onyango Obama, is set to be KICKED OUT of the United States.

So a judge ordered him deported in 1992, and yet, here it is mid 2011 and he's still here.

This seems to be a tradition in the Obama family as Onyango Obama’s younger sister, Zeituni won asylum from deportation last year for illegal immigration . Now Onyango Obama was already ordered to be deported in 1992, but despite the deportation order, Onyango continued to live, work, and drive (sometimes Drunk) in the United States but like his nephew he don’t listen to no stinkin laws and he remained here in the United States until..... Guess what? The Police in Framingham Massachusetts arrested him last week on DRUNKEN-DRIVING after nearly smashing into a police car, and what they listed as “Other Charges”. This bum has been in the USA illegally for 25 years . That as long as Barack and First Wookie had sat in Reverend Wright’s Church and never even heard his sermons. And yet the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts continue to tolerate this. I guess a Lib is a Lib. Like they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Let us not forget, as an ILLEGAL, you still get a social security card, you are entitled to food stamps you can drive an uninsured car, free hospitalization, free schooling, free college tuition, public housing unemployment insurance, all on the taxpayers dime.

The article says, “Obama owed the IRS a total of $3,876.52 for the tax years 1987 and 1988, according to a lien filed in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in 1990. Later, the agency filed another lien targeting Obama under the name of Obama O. Onyango, saying he owed them $971.35 in taxes for the 1990 tax year. The registry has no record showing that Obama paid the bills.”

So we have an Illegal Alien working in Framingham Massachusetts for a company called at Conti Liquors and taking a Job away from an American citizen....hummm. Any wonder why Barack wants to grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens? Or is it just a coincidence?

It seems as if everyone in Obama's family is an illegal alien, but yet he was born in Hawaii, hummm again. I only hope that if the phone rings at 3:00 AM Uncle Onyango or Aunt Ester don’t answer it.

And No One, anywhere was able to prove that this was all Bush’s Fault!

Had enough yet you kool-aid drinking name calling Libs?