Ah, Yes! President Obama Has A Plan! ..... Again... Don't Hold Your Breath.

Before Obama went on his last vacation he said he had a new jobs plan and that it would get released in September, right after Labor Day.

Yesterday the newest bad news was released...
the United Stares didn't add any new jobs in August, and

unemployment remained 9.1%... Making it
far worse than the 85,000 new jobs that were added in July.

And that PIG faced lying Vice President has the nerve, or should I say the STUPIDITY to say: " the economy is not as bad as it seems" That was ALMOST as bad as when
Obama said : "Economic crisis 'not as bad as we think" What is wrong with these 2 idiots? Do they think that the American public is as stupid as they are? Do they really think that we believe that CRAP? Matbe I shouldn't be so hard on our Vice President after all it's not easy to hold down the second highest office in the world while suffering from foot-in-mouth disease.

If he has such a “Plan” Then why not the speech on Tuesday? Why are we waiting another week? Maybe he has to revise his “Plan” Or maybe he simply needs more time to think of one! One has to wonder... Did he think of this “Plan” on vacation in Martha's Vineyard, or while he was playing golf?

The economy as all but reached its bottom, and these 2 CLOWNS are still telling us that things are getting peachy and the out look smells like roses.

Yesterday the stock market was slammed again with a lose of over 253 points because of 17 major banks that are being sued over mortgage backed securities that were sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Banks the WE bailed out with Obama's stimulus package's.

Chase is being sued for $33 billion! Bank of America Corporation is being sued for $5 billion.

"No jobs were added in the U.S. last month, the government said early Friday. It was the worst employment report in 11 months and renewed fears that another recession could be on the way."

I hope those goodies aren't in you IRA's..

And we have to wait another week or so until Obama "Unveils his Plan" ? Tell that to the millions of unemployed people who are loosing their homes.

Wasn’t it Obama who said that if we passed his stimulus bill unemployment wouldn’t go over 8%.? Well it did pass , and unemployment went OVER 10%.!

But "Us "SUPPOSED" Patriots and America Lovers" are to wait while our Dear Leader and his Moocher returns from his vacation at the beach before he discloses his "PLAN"

So next week we will hear all about the “NEW” “PLAN”, Let the Pathetic Lies and the Excuses Begin.

I don’t care what Obama promises in his speech, I know as well as you do that he's full of crap and so his his entire bunch of cronies that are advising him.

Maybe if he gets rid of those 300,000 illegals who he wants to grant amnesty for we can create some new jobs! Or maybe he should resign to create a new job for a new President.

Obama is without argument the worst President that America has ever had and Kooks on the left is telling us how bad Perry, or Romney, and Bachmann are... Pretty damn embarrassing isn’t it?

Jimmy Carter must really love him.

His amnesty for illegals was the first nail in Obama’s re-election coffin and the economy will be the next and the last