Obama Thought That He Could Sell Ice To A Eskimo!

The latest ABC-Washington Post poll found that ObamaCare has sunk to its lowest popularity ever! Even though Obama thought that he could sell ice to a Eskimo, and with Nancy Pelosi’s help by telling us and the US Senate that “You’ll have to vote for it so that you could read it”. If the people only knew what was in that bill and the effects it would have on us and the economy, maybe things WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. Even Democrats find themselves doubting their initial choice in voting for this pathetic fraud. I for one am sick and tired of these underhanded way that these bills have been passing, by arm twisting, bribes, and by voting behind closed doors etc. And passing it off as if he has some great powers of persuasion. Well isn't that the way that dictators do things? And what really bugs me is the way that the Media just goes along with whatever this guy says and demands. This whole thing is just further proof that we don't have a Freedom of the Press any longer in this country, but a bunch of butt kissing pussies pretending to be people that report the news and not just report what the Democrats want.
Now we have this Judge from Virginia , Henry Hudson deciding that Obama's healthcare policy is unconstitutional. The judge ruled that because the legislation requires people to get healthcare or pay a penalty or a fine, it goes against the very nature of the Constitution.
This bill is illegal in so many ways, and thankfully it is being challenged as such/ Isn’t it amazing what can be accomplished when we have smart people doing their job.
Today there is going to be another ruling from a Judge in Florida. And Twenty States are suing the Federal Government over this. It's really plain and simple,
we are and should not be OBLIGED to buy health insurance, the Federal Government has NEVER before in the history of the United States required and/or forced the people to buy anything! So it has been written, and so it shall be done! By forcing the people to buy health insurance and having their employers held hostage to this, is making them pay for everyone else’s health problems. And I just don’t want to, and neither do most of the other American’s. If you are overweight, it’s not my problem, it’s yours and it’s up to you to help yourself.. If I live a healthy life, It doesn’t mean I caused someone to get leukemia nor must I help pay for their treatment. And another thing, does this president even know that we are in a deep recession ? Does he know or care that we are being taxed to death? And these taxes don’t seem to stop! The last time I looked it’s still not possible to get blood from a stone. We pay for our vacations and our food etc. We don’t ask for it to be handed out to us. Since the Liar-in-Chief come into office, for the first time in my life I do not trust my own Government. And when all this is over, it’s going to be decided in the Supreme Court, “Obama’s Supreme Court” The clowns that Obama has appointed with things such as this in mind.

On another note:
The Senate passed and has extended the Bush tax cuts! The American people have spoken!