Pack Your Bags, Mr Claus, You Got To Go!

Yes, Old Saint Nick, has been fired! No, Severance Pay, No Healthcare Coverage, No Unemployment Insurance, Just the Old Get out Your Fired routine.
Isn’t it sad that people are so offended by a little jolly old man in a red suit, that only wants to spread Good Cheer!

When I picked up the New York Post this morning I was flabbergasted to read that The YMCA will no longer be having Santa Clause at their family parties, and is replacing him with Frosty the Snowman.
But have no fears, they are not replacing Santa, they are simply “transitioning” and “changing”.
Another typical liberal, PC term for DUMPING Santa. Yes my friends, now this Political Correctness madness is attacking Santa Claus. Who and what will be next? Will using the words happy holidays over Merry Christmas become the law? Will saying "Merry Christmas" become the next "N" word?.
And silly me, I always thought that even the Communist countries had Santa on Christmas.
“Christmas" is NOT about Frosty the Snowman or Jack Frost. Let's get real here. What is going on

Every year and everyday another tradition or part of our heritage disappears. It seems as if the PC people are winning .

Hugs and kisses from your Uncle Sam.
If you think that this is sickening, just wait until the New York (Ground Zero) developer becomes the Times "Person of the Year"