Meet The Stupids!

Quick, Pass me the Barf Bag!
It’s just amazing to hear our"Representatives" otherwise know as "The Biggest Loser's" Otherwise known as "The Speaker Of The House" Say the following at the late night vote last night. As the House proceeded to pass the Bush Tax Cut bill by a vote of 277 to 148.

"We have to borrow that money from China and send the bill to our children and our grandchildren. And that is not good policy. It does not have a favorable impact on the deficit. It does not create jobs. It does not grow our economy. It does not stimulate growth in our country."

What a dingbat, What an awful two faced liar, What a Moron and an ASS KISSING crawling vermin .What I would like to know is where the hell was she all these past months when they were throwing around these enormously unpopular failed stimulus packages, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid bunch have nearly tripled the Bush deficit two years in a row.
Where was her concern about our children and grandchildren when the Obama administration passed all theses bills in the middle of the night behind closed doors like Health care, cash for clunkers, bail outs for the Auto manufactures etc, etc, etc.Where the hell was her concern then? Why wasn’t she worried about creating jobs, and growing our economy, or reducing the deficit then?
Don't this Nut Case know that her party lost!