You Decide!

Did the supposedly proud Christian president really want to remove the nativity scene from the White House?
I cannot even begin to express my outrage about not having the Nativity scene.....this pig is out to destroy everything in this country.
We often hear that the Obamas are Christians. I'd never thought so. I only had to see the film clips of Reverend Wright and his hateful ranting and I knew that there was no Christ in the church. And recall, the Obamas considered that deranged and hateful racist their "spiritual mentor." I don't buy all the claptrap about Obama being a Muslim. He is nothing--probably believes in nothing other power or prestige or himself. But he probably has more sympathy for and support for Islam than for Christianity.
And did the White House serve halal meat on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha? Or do they do that every night?
Obama was never a Christian. He joined Wright's Hate-Whitey-Hate-America Black Liberation Church when someone told him he needed to belong to a church to succeed in politics. His first election victory was as a member of the Communist New Party. He has never been anything but an America-hating radical socialist. Isn't Obama worried about insulting Iran or Syria or Hezbollah, or AQ, or CAIR, or the Muslim brotherhood that created CAIR and AQ? Will he dare angering the Iman by allowing a Christmas tree to be displayed on the White House grounds whilst he is in office?

Will objects that reflect the nature of our Judeo/Christian nation be covered with pieces of cloth to avoid insulting the followers of the religion of Blood and Death? Will there be apologies before during or after Christmas? (rhetorical question...)
For all of you who voted for this Marxist idiot, are you happy now?
Problem is that the rest of us are suffering.

Has the Word Christmas Really Been Turned Into A Dirty Word.
On another note!
NPR reporter Nina Totenberg openly apologized for using the phrase ”CHRISTMAS PARTY” while telling a news story.

This is not a joke friends, while in a discussion about the spending bill that was rejected, this liberal ass-wipe reporter Nina Totenberg recalled a conversation with a government official regarding their budgets, the conversation that took place at a recent Christmas party. However, when telling the story before she used the term “Christmas Party”, she asked for forgiveness for invoking the term, saying “Pardon the expression Christmas Party”!
Can you believe this? The Communist/Progressive’s of America are now not only telling us what we can/should say or not say, but they are apologizing for even saying the word. Has it become offense to use the term “Merry Christmas” ? What’s next? Will it soon become a criminal offense? What is wrong with these people? Have they completely lost their freaken, pathetic, PC Nutjobs?
I am totally fed up with these Liberal/Progressive Atheism who because of their lack of beliefs tries to dictate to others what we should do, and what we should say and how we should do it and how we should say it! If you have no beliefs in god and you are an atheist, then so be it. I’m not telling YOU what you should do or say, so don’t tell me anything! Whether or not you like the term, is fine, but don’t tell me that I can’t use it.

Its always the same old comrades that seem to have a problem with what this country does and how we do it. This country got along fine for a long, long time without your input, so it you don’t like it now, take your Comrade Barry and get the hell out of my face, . I am not your comrade. I am not your brother and I no desire to be them . Don't insult my parents or my Grandparents who do believe in God.! I do not want to be part of your struggle to change anything that you do. . My dreams and needs, and wants are not those of a socialist.. I resent it when anybody assumes I am in their club and want to follow their lead. I especially resent it when people tell me what I should or shouldn’t believe.

This reporter is the same miserable jackass that said, Jesse Helms and his Grandchildren should get AIDS and Die!

Atheism like Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah to All!

I guess I don't have much of sense of humor today. My apologies