Did Obama Cave-in or Compromise, on the Tax Cut Deal?

Did Obama Cave-in or Compromise, on the Tax Cut Deal?
Does A Bear Crap In The Woods?

Last week, Obama told "60 Minutes" that he is ready to work with Republicans on the hotly debated issue, but he stopped short of saying he is ready to compromise with the GOP on the Tax cuts to the “rich”.
The Dems should be embarrassed by the continuous the imbecile in Chief caved to Republican demands. Another campaign promise down the drain. But at least this time he did something that I am happy to see, even if he did it for all the wrong reasons. But I guess that he's seeing Hillary climbing allover his back, and he has to do something to please the Independents.
He will not raise taxes in January on America’s top earners, and those who "HE" considers to be "rich" . People that are earning a COMBINED income of $250,000, a year are NOT rich by today's standards.
Too bad we have to extend paying the lazy bums on the corner for sitting on their ass's and not working for another 13 months.
What really gets my Goat is the way he stands up at the teleprompter and acts as if this was HIS plan and that he is taking the credit for helping pass this Tax Cut! The phony liar that he is. He can really put on a nice little show, when he has too.
And the gullible idiots on the left who listen and follow so blindly continue to are be manipulated, and they can't even see it.