Is Anyone Else Outraged Over Obama’s Praise for Michael Vick?

Forget for one minute your political allegiances, forget for just one minute how you feel about Barack Obama, and if you can, forget for just one minute how you feel about Michael Vick a so called "man" that tortured dogs. A SOCIOPATH that not only tortured dogs, but killed them for not winning a fight, and who poured water on them so that they would fry better when he electrocuted them.
You want to know how he did it? No you don't, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. I’ll tell you how. He
would put a clip (an alligator clip) on the tail and on the ear of the dog and then he'd pour water on the dog and then charge them with so much electricity that they fried. And if that doesn’t kill the poor thing, he would hang the dog. And if that didn't make you sick, then nothing is going to.

Now think about this. The President of the United States goes out of his way to make a telephone call to this vermin’s Coach to praise the heartless Son of a Bitch who most people thought that he should never play Football again in the United States of America, but rather rot in jail for what he did..

Sure he went to jail for a short time, for this horrendous game he played the lives of these poor innocent creatures for God only know how long. And sure this was his “culture” in the country where ever it was that he came from. BUT, and a BIG BUT, he is not in that Country now and he has been in THIS Country long enough to know that this insane act he played was not only against the law, but was one of the most cruelest and disgusting things that any human being could do. Even the most ardent Philadelphia Eagle fans as well as Michael Vick fans couldn't have fathomed that this man had been rehabilitated in so short time, and even if he had, do we make heros out of murderers? Would Obama have called the Coach to congratulate him for hiring Ted Bundy if Ted Bundy threw 12 Touch Down passes?
Take a step back to think about this. The president of the United States went out of his way to praise a man who not only held Dog Fights on a regular basis but who would drowned a dog is and when they lost the fight, and who would hang a dog, or would slam the poor thing into the ground til it was dead. And this man is paid Millions of dollars and made into a hero and a role model to kids for throwing a freaken football.

But the real kicker of the story is the fact that Brack Hussain Obama was so pleased that Vick was given a second chance that he personally called his Coach and congratulated him and to praise him. Praising this animal killer who electrocuted live dogs is just about as offensive and as obnoxious as it gets. This is reminiscent of the Professor Gates Cambridge, Massachusetts Police story. Why is Obama even commenting on this? The next thing we hear will be Michael Vick will be getting the Kennedy Performing Arts Award along with Oprah Winfrey.
despicable Jackass just doesn’t seem to know how to keep his nose out of the everyday public events.
I wonder why the President never considered reaching out to Brett Favre. Oh Brett Favre is white? That explains it.
PS, none of the dogs were able to be reached to comment how they feel about Vick getting a second chance.

Sneaky Obama Announces Recess Appointments to Key Administration Positions

While the Dictator-in-Chief and The First Lady of Flab has been extending their Hawaiian vacation every day, changing their return to Washington from January 1st to January 2nd, and now to January 3rd. Yes, he did it again... Obama's nomination of the controversial James Cole during the lame-duck Congress session was ended was one of the most sneaky, and disgusting things that any one could do. Barack Hussain Obama, again has bypassed the Progressive/Marxist Controlled congress and assumed his Dictatorial Powers to Dictate.
From vacation in Hawaii, President Obama has used his recess appointment power to fill six administration posts, some controversial, including naming Washington attorney James Cole as deputy Attorney General, as if that other ass-wipe phoney butt-kisser Eric Holder needs another Commie to assist him in his dirty work.
This nominee is really a disgusting choice, not only was he appointed without any confirmation hearing but he was done so in the sneakiest way. When everyone was out of Town on recess.
And before all you ass-kissing Obama apologists gang up on me and tell me that Bush did it, so its okay. Yeah, yeah, I know that all administrations get some of their nominees confirmed in this manner, and yes that Bush has done similar things. I KNOW THAT. But this thing that our Dictator-in-Chief Obama did is unprecedented, to appoint someone during recess to circumvent the certainty of James Cole being rejected is as disgusting as Joseph Goebbels being invited to speak at the Israeli Knesset.
Why you ask? Because Obama had once before nominated James Cole to the No. 2 Justice Department back in May. But the Republican blocked his confirmation because of questions about his role as an independent consultant for AIG before its collapse and the Government bailout of the company. Now doesn’t that make you say ...hummmm?
Now make no mistake about it, this rant of mine is not about recess appointments, but more about the fact that this slimeball did so to circumvent the rejection of another Ultra Liberal pro Muslim anti-American Communist Bastard, who refuses to call a TERRORIST a TERRORIST, but has said that they are NO different than a criminal such as a Bank Robber! Just like his new boss-man Barack Hussain Obama, he said “there is NO war on Terror”! Darn it, if there is no war on terror then why the hell are our troops fighting and dying in Iraq and in Afghanistan ? What the hell are we doing in Afghanistan while the Obama’s are sunning their ass’s on some beach in Hawaii, and having his birth certificate forged to make it look as if he was born in Hawaii? Oh yes, I know, I’m having another “birther movement”!
But the fact remains that Obama has made another controversial appointment by his recess appointment of another socialist and communist as one of his advisors. Isn’t it nice to see how he is "changing" things!
Just as he did with that inept Elena Kagan had never, ever held the position of a local Judge, let alone be qualified as a Supreme Court Justice she couldn’t hold down the job of selling tampons in the women’s bathroom at the Russian
Tea Room, that was absolutely mind-boggling.
So much for Transparency, Compromise, or that thing called Bipartisanship, or silly things like the Constitution. What the hell, by the end of this year we probably won't even need a Congress or a Senate, because by then Obama will assume complete DICTATOR status. So Don't You Dare To Question Obama’s Policies, or ask a relevant question.
Unfortunately, Cole's appointment as Deputy Attorney General will probably guarantee the Terrorist having their trials in New York

We Can Always Count on Obama to Take up a Noble and Inspiring Cause..

We should NOT forget about Asia Bibi – the only woman ever to be sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy in Pakistan . Mrs Bibi, who is a Christian amd a mother of five, has been rotting a in Pakistan hell hole that they call a prison for over a year and a half. And guess what? As if that is not enough she was recently sentenced to death by hanging for ALLEGEDLY saying something offensive and lacking in pleasing qualities, in other words distasteful, of the Muslim Prophet Mohamad .

Asia Bibi’s case should not be swept under the rug and forgotten and people of good will and advocates of justice should be speaking out on behalf of this innocent woman. And if you don’t agree with her innocents, at least think about the UN-JUST sentence given to her.
Here is the whole story as they said it happened:
Asia Bibi accusation stems from a petty argument she had with her Muslim co-workers after THEY REFUSED TO DRINK WATER THAT SHE FETCHED FOR THEM. They complained that the water container was touched by a Christian and therefor contaminated. . Upset by their comments, Mrs. Bibi argued with them and afterwards thought nothing further of the incident. Thinking all was forgotten. However, a few days later dozens of Muslims came to her home and dragged her away. She was accused of blasphemy and ever has since been imprisoned and now she has been sentenced to death.
Never before has anyone ever been sentenced to death because of blasphemy and executed in Pakistan.
After a plea for mercy from the Pope and international outcries new hopes have made Asia Bibi's release a bit more optimistic.
But the SILENCE for our WHITE HOUSE has been deafening.
But have no fear, President Obama DID call the called Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeff Lurie to praise him for the team’s efforts to help that disgusting monster Michael Vick who is a felon who tortured innocent animals get his job back after killing all those dogs

We can always count on Obama to take up a noble and inspiring cause.

What a mess we have gotten ourselves into these past two years! I mess like we've never seen in this country before ,and I'm sure I don't have to itemize it all for you . And I attribute this to the uninformed, uneducated , delusional people especially the young first time voters who were hell bent on “Making History” by being so “open minded” and “politically correct” in their ( own minds only ) by electing the nations first Black President. And what bothers me more than anything else is that we we warned so many times, and we saw the writing on the wall all over the place and we have not only allowed this to happen but we also allowed all this nonsense and division to our country after the fact. We saw the type of characters that this president called his mentors and his friends and his teachers but these leftist idiots didn’t care, they didn’t even believe what was right before their very eyes. They wanted to vote for a democrat no matter who and what he was and what he stood for.
Forgetting everything about the qualities to be expected in a president. Well as they say, “be careful what you wish form you may get it” and we got it all right and we are stuck with him, and with his Marxist policies. Sure they got rid of George Bush and they replaced him with a loon who is hell bent of bring this country down to the level of his past, the likes of Kenya, and of Pakistan .
Well last November was a good start, but it was only a start, As they say. “When you have cockroaches in your house, you just don't clean out the kitchen! You clean out the whole house to eradicate the filth and the damage they do”! And that is what we have to do in 2012. And make no mistake about it we will, we have to.
The danger is not only the empty suit that we have sitting in the white house, but his puppeteers, all of them especially the puppet master himself. .
We have a spend crazy power hungry president with a spend crazy unappreciative wife who had never before been proud of the USA, "Marie Antoinette Obama" the Vacation Queen who when is fresh from a extremely extensive and expensive vacation, is already planning another one, on the tax payers dime.
You spendthrift Democrats, who are so proud of your Socialist in Chief, who gave us this man will go to the grave cursing George Bush and defending this anti American and the thugs that surround him. You all have no clue about the rest of the country as long as you got rid of Bush and you did, but you destroyed America doing so. How did you do this to us? What were you thinking? What planet are you from? What the “F” was wrong with you MORONS?
Obama has proven himself worthy of Socialist politics and has stepped into the leadership of the USA hellbent to “Change”it. Change it to the Socialist way of his upbringing. As we have already seen, Obama staffed and his administration with crooks tax cheats and liars because there is no reason to be honest people anymore. Let’s remember, this is the man who offered to sit down with that Holocaust denier Ahmadinejad without any preconditions whatsoever, what did that tell us!
Thank God for the Republican’s who pushed for the Bush tax cut extensions, otherwise taxes would have jumped to record highs next year on everything from ordinary income, capital gains, dividends and estates. And that would have brought us into a double dip recession.. And with our national debt soaring on a daily basis, the prospect of ever getting us out of dept in the future seems unlikely. Health-care costs are soaring as a result of Obamacare, unemployment gets higher and higher throughout the country, as are taxes and there seems to be no end insight. And this whole TSA pat down/body screening mess is going to all but kill the airlines.
And all the Liberal and Progressive blogs can complain about is the evil Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party Movement. What a joke these Liberal bloggers are, you would think that Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck along with that “ terrorist network” otherwise know as the Republican party are or enemies instead of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and al-Qaida. Isn't Bozo's enemies list a bit out of whack? The people Obama considers his “enemies” are the Americans who are not supporting his Marxist agenda, in other words the Republicans.
I’m sorry to say it but the American Dream is over. Even the Mexicans don’t want to come here any longer as they can’t find any jobs.
So my New Years wish to us is Good Luck to us America. We are going to need it. For who knows what next in the empty space that occupies between Barack Obama’s ears..

So my friends my Christmas wish to you is I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun, I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year, I wish you lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer. May you always be able to count your blessings, one by one and my they be plentiful.
May you always find all that you wish for to be more than what you sought
May your hard journeys be short, and your burdens be light.
May your spirit never grow old, and may all your clouds have silver linin
So, To All My Friends and Readers, Republicans, Liberals, Independent (whatever that means) and Conservatives…Have a Wonderful and Merry Christmas, and a Very Happy and Prosperous, New Year.
And may your rainbows end with pots of gold.
I'm off to Europe to visit my family in Italy. See y'all next year

Once again, It’s that joyous time of the year. That’s right, it’s Christmas and In the spirit of giving, I thought I’d share a few words of wisdom with you! Where is the common sense in this bill that’s over two thousand pages long. It’s all smoke and mirrors to the taxes that will be nailed onto something that will not go into effect for a couple of years but the taxes go on immediately and will never end... . Are you liberal people blind to this? Does anyone else find it hard to believe this idiot is the president of a once great nation? When questioned about our troops being under staffed by the very same General that Obama put in charge in Afghanistan, Obama went ahead and sent the 30,000 more troops ( or said he would) to Afghanistan in order to show he was more moderate in order to get health care and cap and trade through. They stand for nothing except the socialist/Marxist agenda. I fully believe that the Obama loving Democrats would even be willing to fall on a swords in order to get their bills passed especially health care which has become the do or die bill for Obama. . I think they believe that passing this legislation is the key to win any future elections, but if they lose control of both houses of Congress in the mid-term elections and by the looks of things it looks as if they will, the Democrats would lose control of the House and the Senate, the Republicans will most likely pass legislation to repeal this ridicules un-wanted by the majority of Americans bill. Nothing is what they say, nothing is what it seems with them. you can’t except any one thing they say, you have to look at the body of work. A takeover of our economy and our way of life is their aim again more "smoke and mirrors" and smoke and mirrors is exactly what this administration is made of. ! In my humble opinion the reality is that Barack Obama has been a puppet president for over 10 months now and has not been and will not be able to sign into law any serious bills. The Senate has just about one week to cram ObamaCare down our throats, but I don’t believe it will get done. ObamaCare is getting more intense inertia from other scared Democrat & RINO senators…. Thus the call to arms by Obama to the White-hose and the arm twisting, and the bribes, and the threats! Talking about the threats, did you hear that When Senator Ben Nelson a Democrat from Nebraska, would not cave in to passing a bill in which federal funds were used for abortion Obama and Rahm Emmanuel actually threatened to close the air base in Omaha, Nebraska, hows that for arm twisting!. Hows that for pure unadulterated black-mail! This kind of governing is getting out of control. And you libs can't see the Marxism here? Last week we saw Mary Landrieu the Senior United States Senator from the State of Louisiana’s 300 million dollar bribe, we saw her Thighness Hillary Clinton's 6 million debt from her campaign bills paid off as well. What is very disturbing about this whole horrendous buying off and lets face it it was nothing else but BRIBERY for ObamaCare. When will enough be enough? When we win in 2010, I hope they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, just like they are threatening to do to George Bush and Dick Cheney. It's clear that Obama is a weak, spineless "bowing" idiot. I don't know how in the hell this happen to America? But you liberals have nothing to complain about, YOU WANTED HIM!! you were all thrilled and over-joyed over him, oh he's so wonderful and he's Black!!! It didn't matter what kind of an idiot he was as long as he was Black that's all you cared about, so enjoy him, you got him. And I love it when I hear those liberals saying "He can't possibly do worse than Bush" Well surprise, surprise, he did, and he did it in record time! And now he wants to TORTURE these Terrorist prisoners by moving them from a sunny Caribbean Island to cold and snowy Illinois. Why don’t he serve them cockatiels while they sit in the sun at the beach while he’s able to. But lets face it he ONLY reason for doing this is so that Barack Obama Hussein can say he closed Gitmo as he promised. He doesn't give a damn about what the people think or about the consequences. Once these bastards step on US soil, every creep and every scum lawyer in the country will be pushing to give them all the rights that a US citizen has, and you know where that’s going to lead don’t you! So here we have Obama, making his list to Santa and checking it twice to give everything the enemy has asked for so that Obama would be LIKED by his Muslim buddies. Lefties, are you satisfied with your Hope and Change yet? Ah, Change!!!! It always sound fantastic, especially when enhanced by the oratory skills of an Obama. But in truth, he is not about change, but the same, tired, left wing politics of the Democrats. Oh and just one last question, will Michelle Obama’s dress look as tasteless as the ornaments on last years Christmas tree, with the face of China's Mao Zedong, and Obama's face superimposed on Mount Rushmore, and the "transvestite" character "Hedda Lettuce! Well, Barack and Michelle were just expressing themselves, as it is their right to do.

They have every right to do whatever they choose to do, even if it includes denigrating our Christian traditions in such a disrespectful fashion . As I have the right to piss on his photograph. Sickening and disgusting? Or Hope and Change?

I'll be going to Europe to visit my family for Christmas and this will be my last post until I return, so let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Great Christmas and a happy New Year.

Lets Call It Like It Is! Let's Call A Spade A Spade!

The liberals want it both ways on this. On one hand they want to cast the Muslims as warm and fuzzy people and on the other they want to look like they're on the ball on terrorism.They also want you to believe there's dozens of Timothy McVeighs out there ready to strike. But the libbies would rather casr Glenn beck and Sarah Plain is the new Hitler ready to mobilize millions of anti-government haters.
New York’s Congressman Peter King is not afraid to call it like it is, he’s willing to call a spade a spade. No, he’s not afraid to take on the Muslim community for their denial of 9/11 and other similar acts. Of Terror that has been perpetrated against America and the rest of the world. While the liberals prefer to keep their heads in the sand, and continue to play this PC game while the world is getting attacked, killed and brought to their knees financially.
I guess that Peter King must have taken the time to read the Constitution.
And can anyone tell me why is it that when Muslims burn the American flag right out there in the streets, it's "free speech", but when people burn the Koran it's hate crime.
Peter King is not afraid to offend them for the usual reasons., reasons like Not Rep. King.
And don't tell me about Timothy Mcveigh any more, I know all about that jackass, but for every Timothy Mcveigh, there are 1000,s of Muslim Terrorists. Just look at the names of just about every Terrorist that has been captured in the past 10 years. Like the Fort. Hood ass-hole, and the Christmas Day Bomber, and the Underwear Bomber, and the Times Square bomber and the Shoe Bomber, and the recent 12 terrorists arrested in Great Britain. You will find that 99.99 percent of them were trained in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and lately North Africa. Has joined the prestigious group.. Al Qaeda has committed more of these horrific terrorist acts killing innocent men, women, and children everywhere and every chance they get. And what are we doing about it? We are screening and embarrassing our elderly and our Nuns, and women at our airports while the Islamist terrorist plots get more and more common and these idiotic bastards get more and more brazen. As do the home grown dirty little new Black Panthers who are now invading our voting polls. And what is our Attorney General Eric Holder doing about either one of these groups? In my opinion he is doing nothing. Eric Holder, and Barack Obama and Janet Incompetaino do not see these acts against our citizens as much as a threat as they see the Republicans who are in their eyes, “Domestic Terrorists” and “Hostage Holders” and "
Right-wing extremists". And a “War on the use of the word Christmas” And they call us Conservatives names because we don't want a mosque at Ground Zero. No, we don’t want them to build a shrine of conquer in the foot print of the twin towers, where 3,000 Americans were killed and crushed or burned to death by Islamic fanatics. As they do when they conquer land they kill hundreds and thousands and demolish their target and replaced with a Mosque. Or the "Cordoba House", more widely known as the "Ground Zero Mosque" And when Janet Napolitano said that they were working hard “364 days a year”, keeping us Americans safe. Obviously, the Terrorists didn’t get the message.
It's time the Muslim community publicly recognizes and acknowledges its failure in this regard and does all in its power through action in its centers and mosques to suppress the cultivation of homegrown terrorists. Then the anti-Muslim attitude in the United States would be eliminated.
Yes, it’s time we called a spade a spade. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are not our enemies. Not in my book!
Thank God that Peter King is going to be the new chairman of the House Homeland Security next month.

Today's Question

What is your opinion on the new fashion in the Arab world of people wearing baseball caps backwards with the visor in the back.

Praise be to Allaah.

You Decide!

Did the supposedly proud Christian president really want to remove the nativity scene from the White House?
I cannot even begin to express my outrage about not having the Nativity scene.....this pig is out to destroy everything in this country.
We often hear that the Obamas are Christians. I'd never thought so. I only had to see the film clips of Reverend Wright and his hateful ranting and I knew that there was no Christ in the church. And recall, the Obamas considered that deranged and hateful racist their "spiritual mentor." I don't buy all the claptrap about Obama being a Muslim. He is nothing--probably believes in nothing other power or prestige or himself. But he probably has more sympathy for and support for Islam than for Christianity.
And did the White House serve halal meat on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha? Or do they do that every night?
Obama was never a Christian. He joined Wright's Hate-Whitey-Hate-America Black Liberation Church when someone told him he needed to belong to a church to succeed in politics. His first election victory was as a member of the Communist New Party. He has never been anything but an America-hating radical socialist. Isn't Obama worried about insulting Iran or Syria or Hezbollah, or AQ, or CAIR, or the Muslim brotherhood that created CAIR and AQ? Will he dare angering the Iman by allowing a Christmas tree to be displayed on the White House grounds whilst he is in office?

Will objects that reflect the nature of our Judeo/Christian nation be covered with pieces of cloth to avoid insulting the followers of the religion of Blood and Death? Will there be apologies before during or after Christmas? (rhetorical question...)
For all of you who voted for this Marxist idiot, are you happy now?
Problem is that the rest of us are suffering.

Has the Word Christmas Really Been Turned Into A Dirty Word.
On another note!
NPR reporter Nina Totenberg openly apologized for using the phrase ”CHRISTMAS PARTY” while telling a news story.

This is not a joke friends, while in a discussion about the spending bill that was rejected, this liberal ass-wipe reporter Nina Totenberg recalled a conversation with a government official regarding their budgets, the conversation that took place at a recent Christmas party. However, when telling the story before she used the term “Christmas Party”, she asked for forgiveness for invoking the term, saying “Pardon the expression Christmas Party”!
Can you believe this? The Communist/Progressive’s of America are now not only telling us what we can/should say or not say, but they are apologizing for even saying the word. Has it become offense to use the term “Merry Christmas” ? What’s next? Will it soon become a criminal offense? What is wrong with these people? Have they completely lost their freaken, pathetic, PC Nutjobs?
I am totally fed up with these Liberal/Progressive Atheism who because of their lack of beliefs tries to dictate to others what we should do, and what we should say and how we should do it and how we should say it! If you have no beliefs in god and you are an atheist, then so be it. I’m not telling YOU what you should do or say, so don’t tell me anything! Whether or not you like the term, is fine, but don’t tell me that I can’t use it.

Its always the same old comrades that seem to have a problem with what this country does and how we do it. This country got along fine for a long, long time without your input, so it you don’t like it now, take your Comrade Barry and get the hell out of my face, . I am not your comrade. I am not your brother and I no desire to be them . Don't insult my parents or my Grandparents who do believe in God.! I do not want to be part of your struggle to change anything that you do. . My dreams and needs, and wants are not those of a socialist.. I resent it when anybody assumes I am in their club and want to follow their lead. I especially resent it when people tell me what I should or shouldn’t believe.

This reporter is the same miserable jackass that said, Jesse Helms and his Grandchildren should get AIDS and Die!

Atheism like Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah to All!

I guess I don't have much of sense of humor today. My apologies

History In The Making! Black Women With One Black Boob And One White Boob.

Meet The Stupids!

Quick, Pass me the Barf Bag!
It’s just amazing to hear our"Representatives" otherwise know as "The Biggest Loser's" Otherwise known as "The Speaker Of The House" Say the following at the late night vote last night. As the House proceeded to pass the Bush Tax Cut bill by a vote of 277 to 148.

"We have to borrow that money from China and send the bill to our children and our grandchildren. And that is not good policy. It does not have a favorable impact on the deficit. It does not create jobs. It does not grow our economy. It does not stimulate growth in our country."

What a dingbat, What an awful two faced liar, What a Moron and an ASS KISSING crawling vermin .What I would like to know is where the hell was she all these past months when they were throwing around these enormously unpopular failed stimulus packages, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid bunch have nearly tripled the Bush deficit two years in a row.
Where was her concern about our children and grandchildren when the Obama administration passed all theses bills in the middle of the night behind closed doors like Health care, cash for clunkers, bail outs for the Auto manufactures etc, etc, etc.Where the hell was her concern then? Why wasn’t she worried about creating jobs, and growing our economy, or reducing the deficit then?
Don't this Nut Case know that her party lost!

Obama Thought That He Could Sell Ice To A Eskimo!

The latest ABC-Washington Post poll found that ObamaCare has sunk to its lowest popularity ever! Even though Obama thought that he could sell ice to a Eskimo, and with Nancy Pelosi’s help by telling us and the US Senate that “You’ll have to vote for it so that you could read it”. If the people only knew what was in that bill and the effects it would have on us and the economy, maybe things WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. Even Democrats find themselves doubting their initial choice in voting for this pathetic fraud. I for one am sick and tired of these underhanded way that these bills have been passing, by arm twisting, bribes, and by voting behind closed doors etc. And passing it off as if he has some great powers of persuasion. Well isn't that the way that dictators do things? And what really bugs me is the way that the Media just goes along with whatever this guy says and demands. This whole thing is just further proof that we don't have a Freedom of the Press any longer in this country, but a bunch of butt kissing pussies pretending to be people that report the news and not just report what the Democrats want.
Now we have this Judge from Virginia , Henry Hudson deciding that Obama's healthcare policy is unconstitutional. The judge ruled that because the legislation requires people to get healthcare or pay a penalty or a fine, it goes against the very nature of the Constitution.
This bill is illegal in so many ways, and thankfully it is being challenged as such/ Isn’t it amazing what can be accomplished when we have smart people doing their job.
Today there is going to be another ruling from a Judge in Florida. And Twenty States are suing the Federal Government over this. It's really plain and simple,
we are and should not be OBLIGED to buy health insurance, the Federal Government has NEVER before in the history of the United States required and/or forced the people to buy anything! So it has been written, and so it shall be done! By forcing the people to buy health insurance and having their employers held hostage to this, is making them pay for everyone else’s health problems. And I just don’t want to, and neither do most of the other American’s. If you are overweight, it’s not my problem, it’s yours and it’s up to you to help yourself.. If I live a healthy life, It doesn’t mean I caused someone to get leukemia nor must I help pay for their treatment. And another thing, does this president even know that we are in a deep recession ? Does he know or care that we are being taxed to death? And these taxes don’t seem to stop! The last time I looked it’s still not possible to get blood from a stone. We pay for our vacations and our food etc. We don’t ask for it to be handed out to us. Since the Liar-in-Chief come into office, for the first time in my life I do not trust my own Government. And when all this is over, it’s going to be decided in the Supreme Court, “Obama’s Supreme Court” The clowns that Obama has appointed with things such as this in mind.

On another note:
The Senate passed and has extended the Bush tax cuts! The American people have spoken!

Pack Your Bags, Mr Claus, You Got To Go!

Yes, Old Saint Nick, has been fired! No, Severance Pay, No Healthcare Coverage, No Unemployment Insurance, Just the Old Get out Your Fired routine.
Isn’t it sad that people are so offended by a little jolly old man in a red suit, that only wants to spread Good Cheer!

When I picked up the New York Post this morning I was flabbergasted to read that The YMCA will no longer be having Santa Clause at their family parties, and is replacing him with Frosty the Snowman.
But have no fears, they are not replacing Santa, they are simply “transitioning” and “changing”.
Another typical liberal, PC term for DUMPING Santa. Yes my friends, now this Political Correctness madness is attacking Santa Claus. Who and what will be next? Will using the words happy holidays over Merry Christmas become the law? Will saying "Merry Christmas" become the next "N" word?.
And silly me, I always thought that even the Communist countries had Santa on Christmas.
“Christmas" is NOT about Frosty the Snowman or Jack Frost. Let's get real here. What is going on

Every year and everyday another tradition or part of our heritage disappears. It seems as if the PC people are winning .

Hugs and kisses from your Uncle Sam.
If you think that this is sickening, just wait until the New York (Ground Zero) developer becomes the Times "Person of the Year"


Liberalism...Is Positive Proof That the Human Body Can Survive a Lobotomy And Still Vote.

The people who vote liberal today have the intelligence of a Goat. Especially the young people, as for the older ones, they are the ones I was referring to in the first line of this post. .
Thanks to the psychos and sicko’s of America the damage has already been done will take decades to repair. Thanks for your vote. Think next time., no matter what you are promised, nothing is free. Beware of anyone that promises you the world for nothing in return. Remember that old saying: "There is a Sucker born every minute. The progressive mind is a sick one.

Dems Throw The "F" Bomb At The President. It Wasn't A Republican, So What’s The Excuse? Hummm?

By Anna Palmer

The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f--- the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker. “It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.” Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) was also overheard saying that “we can’t trust him”

So will Obama will spend the next week trying to find out who the HATEFUL, DISLOYAL, RACIST culprit was?
Will there be a horse's head in his bed tomorrow morning.

And Congressman Jerrold Nadler from the Great State of New York was overheard saying that “we can’t trust him”. Woo wee, heads are going to roll.
If this is the way his own base and party thinks about him. What can we expect form China, North Korea and Iran?

When Joe Wilson Said " You Lie" to Obama, we heard about it for months.
And he was forced to issue an apology on the floor of the house. How does throwing the "F" bomb at the president compare?
Could the Dems finally be discovering what most Americans already know?
What shocking disrespect for the office of the President !
I can’t imagine what the consequences would had been if a Republican had said "F" the President!!

Heil Soros.

According to some in the know, George Soros is very upset about the last election, and he hinted that Barack Obama may not have his support for too much longer. And we all know what that means......
When George Soros speaks, Progressives Listen!

But does Obama
know his days are numbered? Because If George Soros fires Obama, he'll be a one-termer. You can bet you last dollar on that.

From The Sound of It, Barry Still Doesn't Get It ..

Let's Talk Accountability...

2 Years ago when Obama took over the Presidency and the DemocRATS Took Over the Congress...

Unemployment was about 4.5%...

Gas Prices were about $2 a Gallon.

The Stock Market was Thousands of Points Better...

During his campaign, Obama said “We cannot continue to rely only on our military…we’ve got to have a civilian security force just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set.” Beginning of Obama’s civilian security force! Duh!

Yeah, I'd say the DemocRATS with 2/3 Control of Government of the Purse Strings have Overseen one HELL of a Collapse over the Last (2) Years.

And they say that Sarah Palin is "Dumb and Inept"!

Remember Pearl Harbor? Did We Turn Our Backs On The Soldiers That Died In World War 2?

On 7 December 1941 the greatest disaster in United States history occurred, until September the 11th, 2001
The smoke had scarcely cleared from Pearl Harbor when Americans all over the country were enlisting in the service.
Would we have won those two wars if Barack Obama was the President then instead of FDR and Harry Truman? Would Barack Hussain Obama have Bombed the hell out of those two countries? Would he have tried the prisoners of war with war crimes?
Would Harry Truman have gone all over the world apologizing for the fact that it was Muslims who crashed into the World Trade Center?
Would Harry Truman allowed the Japanese to build a Shrine 2 blocks away from Pearl Harbor's Harbor?
More than 2,400 Americans died on the day President Franklin Roosevelt said "will live in infamy" And more than 2,800 Americans died on the day President Bush said, "Can You Hear Us Now" And in 1940 "I'm just wild about Harry" has become the favorite White House and Republican campaign song.
Japan was a country with a large military, as was the enemy in Europe
At that time America was much like it was on the day prior to September the 11th, a sleeping giant. But much like September the 12th that sleeping giant woke up. But what happened? It wasn’t George Bush who tied the hands of our mighty military, like FDR, George Bush was Gung Ho, and so was the Democratic Congress, and much of the Democratic Senate.
September the 11th may have had a similar amount of people who died, but the big difference was that the enemy was not as clear for a while, and they didn't have a specific country . But it wasn’t too long before we heard the name Osama Bin laden and the name of a Muslim militant extremist group called“Al Qaeda” This group was a bunch of insane extreamists followers of Bin Laden who believed their criminal acts were part of a "holy war" or "jihad," which would ultimately transform them into religious "martyrs." The aircrafts that they hijacked became flying bombs in suicide missions to destroy Americans the "infidels." . And soon after, President Bush went to war. And it didn’t take too long before the Liberal bunch of swine became ass kissers and sorrowful pussies of the different countries and organizations that attacked us.
The suspected leaders of the September 11th hijackers, Mohamed Atta, Zacarias Moussaoui, and Khalid Sheik Mohammed became household names.
And torturing a Muslim was a No-No but there wasn’t much of an outrage about the beheading an American, or hanging our Sailors burnt bodies from their bridges.
And now we have a stupid, naive, Attorney General and a President who is beyond outrageous. Who’s unconscionable, outrageous decision to hold their trials in a civil court in New York City, but when the public became outraged they are now tap dancing around for the past year and a half about where to hold the trial.
After the Pearl Harbor attack, all Japanese citizens and visitors were rounded up. Most Japanese were sent to concentration camps for fear there were possible saboteurs hidden among them. Japanese were known for intense loyalty to their families and ancestors. Our leaders at the time believed we couldn't risk the possibility of some attempting espionage against our country. Was it the right thing to do? In hindsight no, but the country was united and we did whar we thought was right at the time.

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack, our government has bent over backwards to assure Americans that the Muslims who attacked us were an aberrant fanatical fringe group that in no way represented true Islam. We have been constantly assured that the Muslim religion is "a peaceful" religion. We have a President that is so hell bend on kissing their behinds that he goes all over the world telling the rest of the world how arrogant we are and how we mush be brought down to the level of the rest of the world. Are we a “Super Power” any longer? Not when we have sold out to Russia and when we are so afraid of Iran that we let them crap all over us!
No matter how you interpret it, , the response from America after 9-11 was minimum and short lived.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor roused America and brought the nation together. Americans put stickers displaying the stars and stripes and pasted them on their cars. Members of Congress stood on the steps of the Capitol singing “God Bless America.” and the movie stars showed their patriotism in the movies. There were Red Cross Canteens and Service men were respected as the Hero’s they were.

We didn’t see any protesters at the funerals of our brave service people, and we didn’t see riots in our streets with these dope addicts burning the flag. No people went to work and stood on lines for meat and other hard to ger items and never complained about it. And if there was a Medal of Honor recipient, he was saluted by our Commander in Chief
Both of these tragedies still are with us, as is the shame and disappointment of they way that we have responded to the September 11th tragedy. America was ready for the fight on September the 12th, but our enthusiasm was short lived. .

Show me a Socialist and a Marxist that has surrounded himself with Socialists, Marxists, Maoists, and Communists, tax cheats, liars, and frauds as the man sitting in the White House right now, (when he’s not on vacation) and I'll show you someone who is doomed to be a failure.
If Pearl Harbor Were to Happen Today, We Would Lose the War.
Where Are The Men Like Harry Truman Today?
If America Is To Survive, We Need to Find One.

And why do all the Cowards that take so much from America, so eagerly to run to Canada to avoid serving this great country of ours when it's time to pay back and serve. I can understood their reluctance to serve, but not their cowardice. I have to wonder if we were invaded as we were at Pearl Harbor today, and we had a draft today, how many of these bleeding heart Liberals would serve America. And how many would run away to Canada to escape the Draft. Like Bill Clinton, ran away to England. Quite a contrast to when we ran to fight when we entered WWII.
And by the way, Why Are The Canadians Such COWARDS?

And Why Do The Yellow-Bellied American Deserters, Gutless Pimply-faced Cowards Run To Canada? Is it because Canada is the home for Cowards? And why has Canada become a refuge for Draft Dodgers? What is that to say about Canada?
To run to Canada and then come back home to reap the pleasures of what America offers was a shove it in the face of millions of the Americans who died for this country. Bill Clinton's picture belong in the urial at the local American Legion Hall along side of Jane Fonda's. So that the real American heros would be able to piss on these draft dodgers and Anti American’s.
Bill Clinton and the rest of the Canada draft dodging cowards who should have gotten 5 years in prison.
While real men and women, the ones that had Pride in the country enlisted and did what they had to do and who served their country, or worked in defense plants and in Red Cross centers when these cowards fabricated reasons to run like cowards which left the honorable Americans to fight and die for them. When Jimmy Carter granted amnesty to those that ran to Canada it was an outright travesty. But it wasn’t any surprise to anyone that an IDIOT commie lover like Jimmy Carter would do what he did. , Up until then, choice wasn't an option because it was the duty of all males to register for the draft or volunteer. It made men out of boys, like the men we have serving today which is what this country desperately needs. We have more than enough of the leftist hand-out takers.
Jane Fonda should have been tried and shot for doing what she did in North Vietnam, but no, the leftist’s made a
heroine out of her as predicted.

Did Obama Cave-in or Compromise, on the Tax Cut Deal?

Did Obama Cave-in or Compromise, on the Tax Cut Deal?
Does A Bear Crap In The Woods?

Last week, Obama told "60 Minutes" that he is ready to work with Republicans on the hotly debated issue, but he stopped short of saying he is ready to compromise with the GOP on the Tax cuts to the “rich”.
The Dems should be embarrassed by the continuous the imbecile in Chief caved to Republican demands. Another campaign promise down the drain. But at least this time he did something that I am happy to see, even if he did it for all the wrong reasons. But I guess that he's seeing Hillary climbing allover his back, and he has to do something to please the Independents.
He will not raise taxes in January on America’s top earners, and those who "HE" considers to be "rich" . People that are earning a COMBINED income of $250,000, a year are NOT rich by today's standards.
Too bad we have to extend paying the lazy bums on the corner for sitting on their ass's and not working for another 13 months.
What really gets my Goat is the way he stands up at the teleprompter and acts as if this was HIS plan and that he is taking the credit for helping pass this Tax Cut! The phony liar that he is. He can really put on a nice little show, when he has too.
And the gullible idiots on the left who listen and follow so blindly continue to are be manipulated, and they can't even see it.

Who Are Palestinians?

By Yashiko Sagamori

If you are so sure that "Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history", I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine:
  • When was it founded and by whom?
  • What were its borders?
  • What was its capital?
  • What were its major cities?
  • What constituted the basis of its economy?
  • What was its form of government?
  • Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
  • Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
  • What was the language of the country of Palestine?
  • What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
  • What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.
  • Have they left any artifacts behind?
  • Do you know of a library where one could find a work of Palestinian literature produced before 1967?
  • And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
The people you mistakenly call "Palestinians" are nothing more than but generic Arabs collected or thrown out of all parts of the Arab world because they didn't want them either. And they still don't! If they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?

I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day "Palestinians" to the Biblical Philistines, substituting etymology for history that crap just won't work here.

The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it "Palestinian people" and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the "West Bank" and Gaza, respectively?

The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so called "Palestinians" have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel, and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a "nation" -- or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled.

In fact, there is only one way to achieve piece in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel's ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

.The "Palestinians'" murderous motives. Started with the siege of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979, an event which led to the giving the
Nobel "so called" Peace Prize to Yasa Arafat. . Come to think of it, that was the beginning of the down-fall of the Nobel Peace Prize. We all know what it has come to since.
Yasser Arafat was a leader of the state of Palestine and 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority. The leader is also known as the Chairman of the Palestine liberation Organization who founded the secular political party Fatah in 1959, stepping in as its leader. Mainly known for his anti-Israeli stance, Arafat pushed the country in to a long war with Israel in the name of self-determination. While he is portrayed as a martyr in his own country Palestine, Arafat is also condemned for his attacks on Israeli civilians.
During the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, “Black September”, a Palestinian militant group, kidnaped and killed eleven Israeli athletes. The incident came to be known as “Munich Massacre”. The Black September, as reported by some noted historians, was a branch of Fatah used for paramilitary operations. In 1973–74, Arafat directed the PLO to withdraw from acts of violence outside Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
To investigate the Munich Massacre, the Israeli government launched the Operation Bayonet. It ordered its intelligence agency, Mossad to hunt down those known to have been involved. In 1979, the Mossad had assassinated at least eight PLO members including Ali Hassan Salameh, a commander of Yasser Arafat's personal security squad.
Yasser Arafat was a power hungry, sub-human, murdering loathsome piece of shit who deserves nothing but disrespect and hatred towards his name. May he not be remembered as anything but the scum that he was, he was responsible for countless deaths of innocent people, This thing called Yasser was nothing to this earth but a waste of space, oxygen and time. Dying of Aids was the only good thing in his life that ever happened. sum it up, what is his legacy? Yasser Arafat who was really the father of modern terrorism! Was a murdering terrible subhuman monster who thought of himself as a leader and a wannabe dictator like his buddy Saddam Hussan , but was nothing more than a cowardly pipsqueak. And let us not forget that Yasir Arafat, was responsible for pushing a Jewish American old man in a wheelchair off a ship. Goodbye to bad rubbish

Finally, they do something right!

House censures Congressman Charles Rangel for ethics violations on 333-79 vote

Why Was There No Presidential Salute by Obama at Medal of Honor Ceremony?

A moment of national pride took place recently in the White House when an American soldier, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, received the Medal of Honor for bravery above and beyond the call of duty in combat in Afghanistan. Sgt. Giunta became the first living American soldier to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War. He is now ONE of only eighty-eight living holders of the Medal of Honor. As modest and self-effacing as he is brave, Sgt. Giunta brought further honor to himself by his humility in receiving the nation’’s highest medal of valor. While he made no comment in the ceremony, Giunta said before the ceremony that he was “not at peace” with being “singled out”” for the honor as so many other soldiers did so much. And after the ceremony, he said he would trade the honor in a moment if he could bring back those whose lives he attempted to save under enemy fire but was unable to save. He definitely showed that he was an American in whom America could be proud. In contrast, there was another “first” at the ceremony involving the Commander-in-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, in whose conduct the nation cannot and should not take pride: As far as is known, Obama became the first President, the first Commander-in-Chief , not to salute the living recipient of the Medal of Honor after presenting the medal. It is a tradition in the military for all military personnel, no matter how high their rank, including the Commander-in-Chief, to salute a holder of the Medal of Honor no matter how lowly his or her rank. If General David Petraeus was to encounter Sgt. Giunta, it would be the General who would salute the enlisted man, as a sign of respect for that soldier’’s extraordinary bravery, but also to show respect to all those who have received the Medal of Honor. At all gatherings of veterans of the American Legion, or VFW, or other veterans organizations, if a Medal of Honor recipient enters the room, even a National Convention involving thousands, the proceedings stop to render military honor to that holder of the Medal of Honor. All veterans rise, come to attention, and salute. It is a matter of pride, of respect, of tradition. And, as far as is known, it is tradition that every President who has had the honor to present the Medal of Honor to a living recipient, has shown humility, respect, and national pride in that recipient by stepping back and rendering a salute. It was missing in action in the Obama presentation. He is apparently above all that; “like a God,” as an editor of Newsweek once wrote. Instead of rendering the traditional salute, after fumbling as if all-thumbs in trying to affix the blue-ribboned Medal of Honor, Obama, equally awkwardly, tried to “hug” the Sergeant. Yes, a “hug” for the soldier who remained at attention with eyes front in military bearing. But a “hug”is not a “salute,” even in the Age of Obama. While there may be some comedic value in Obama’s pathetic display, it was more emetic than comedic. I didn’t write about it at the time, so as not to distract from Sgt. Giunta’s receipt of the Medal of Honor. But days have passed, and it needs to be said. Why? Is it naught but petty carping of poor President Obama? I think not. He is the “Commander-in-Chief” who has in his power the lives of those who serve in defense of the country, which he himself did not deign to do. It is pointing out this man, this professional politician, repeatedly evidences contempt for America, for America’’s traditions, and for Americans who respect those traditions. It is as if he loathes the nation he was so desperate to lead, and be loved by, Messiah-like. It is of a piece with his constant misquoting of the Declaration of Independence by leaving out the words “endowed by their Creator” when speaking of “unalienable rights.” Perhaps more aptly: It is of a pathetic piece with Obama’s penchant for declining to abide by the U.S. Flag Code when the Flag passes to place his hand over his heart. Instead, he drapes his arms down and enfolds his hands at his crotch Michael Jackson-style. It is now mocked as Obama’s “crotch salute.” But it isn’’t funny. It is contempt by Obama for the Flag, for America. Perhaps it is unfair to criticize this President of the United States for displaying such contempt for American traditions. Perhaps it is too much to expect an American President to salute a recipient of the military Medal of Honor when that president never served in the uniform of his country; has said that the Rules For Radicals of the America-hating socialist revolutionist Saul Alinsky are “seared into my [his] brain;” who launched his political career in Chicago from the living room of the revolutionist Weather Underground rich-brat-bombers Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn; and who sat for twenty years in a pew of the church of Rev. “God Damn America” Wright, being marinated in hate-filled, grievance-filled, self-defined “anti-white” and “revolutionary” Black Liberation Theology .

But we get it Mr. Obama, we have gotten it all along, how could we not? You have displayed your distaste for America since day one of your Presidency. And we have seen this since the very day your name was brought before us. But the folks on the Left didn’t seem to care. They only saw the color of your skin and they went Ga-Ga over you and your America loathing wife.

You know who, the one that Never saw anything to be Proud of in this great country of ours. You both are sickening. This President is not so stupid as to simply forget to salute. In fact I think he is well aware of exactly what he does every minute of every day. Neither are the people who advise him that ignorant of the traditions and protocols concerning the Presidential duties. How could they possibly forget to inform him of the tradition of saluting a Medal of Honor winner? You and I both know that didn’t happen. Therefore, I can only conclude that he internally refused to salute this genuine hero, this man who was awarded the Medal of Honor by the United States Congress. This ONE of only eighty-eight living holders of the Medal of Honor! That is an unforgivable gesture not only to Sgt. Giunta, but to us, you and me and the rest of the People of the United States of America. Then again, perhaps it is not too much to expect anyone who would be America’s president to at least respect American traditions, including honoring the Flag, and saluting those who receive the Medal of Honor For eight long years all we hear form these Lefties were that Bush lied and to impeach him, and torture, oil, and there wasn’t any WMD’s and so on. Now that we have the LAIR in Chief in office they are unusually quite. No noise about the OUTRAGEOUS spending and the millions of BILLIONS spent on their Vacations, but lame excuses for it. No mention or outrage about why Oprah Winfrey has to schlep along all over the world with them. No mention of the FOOLS on The View making these outlandish remarks about anyone that attempts to speak out against this bunch in the White House. And NO mention of their hero's failure SALUTE the recipient of this Honorable award. We all know what they would be saying had George Bush done this. But that would have NEVER happened. Say what you may about George Bush, but you can never say that he didn’t love and honor America. The President is not fit to be in the same country with this heroic Soldier.

Isn’t it funny, (or is it?) That the Palin haters on the left , never seem to have much of a problem with this worthless, lying and conniving, Snake in the grass women Hillary Clinton who has been running for political office particularly the presidency since her Collage days. , But Sarah Palin, in the eyes of those on the left who are even ashamed to call themselves LIBERAL’S well she’s stupid, she is a hick who’s family is a bunch of lowlifes, who’s daughter gave birth out of wedlock, and don’t even know how to dance, who hunts and fishes and kills animals, who needs to gain more experience, maybe as a Dog Catcher. Do you people actually ever listen to you say or write on your asinine blogs? What, you want from Sarah Palin,

and better yet, what do you want from her family? Is she supposed to be more like be like that Scumball, lying, fake Ms. Thunder-Thighs??

Bristol Palin was one of the few people on that show that wasn’t a professional entertainer, who never ever even appeared before a audience before let alone danced before one. And to say that her HARD WORK that was rewarded by her strong finish was only the result of a “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” only shows how stupid and fearful you idiots are.
But still, the attacks continue, It's not enough that she has to put up with a steady stream of criticism from liberal Democrats who obviously feel threatened by her but now they have to gang up on her daughter.
Where was all the gossip about Chelsea Clinton when she and her Mother lied about the snipers shooting at them in Bosnia as first lady? And then she washed it all away by saying that she just "Miss-Spoke" Imagine if Laura Bush had “MISSPOKE” about something like that! Isn't “Lying” a bit different from “misspeaking”? I guess it only another "minor blip.
Apparently Hillary Clinton is you idea of someone worthy of running this Great country of ours. Well pardon me but didn’t you just get finished saying just that about Barack Hussain Obama? And look what happened to us with that creep! Well, despite your claims to the contrary, all of you Palin haters and name callers do like your politicians to be the dirt bags we have in office now. Like Charlie the pimp Rangel and that slobering idiot Barney Frank, along with that other scary woman Maxine Waters who are always on the take just like all of the other liberals. Tax Cheating, Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and other Misdemeanors go hand and hand with these Useful Idiots. So what do they do? Instead of putting them in Jail, they put them on the "Ethics committee"! Well Duh!
Another good example is, Slick Willie was impeached for perjury, and now he’s one of Obama’s go to men when Barry needs help in lying and screwing someone.
The Blame Bush game has gone on a bit too long for anyone to take it seriously, aside from those Morons on the “Progressive Blogs who can’t see the forest thru the trees. These idiots sit behinds their computers playing games and blaming everyone from Rush Limbaugh, to Glenn Beck, and Dick Cheney and Haliburton, and who crucify Sarah Palin almost every day. The real facts are that this mess was caused by the left wing Democratic Congress and their Crooked Buddies who appointed these housing loans from Fannie May and Freddie Mac. Obama can’t really think we’re really all stupid, can he?

These people in Washington do not want our problems to be solved or cured. They just want to treat the symptoms with band-aids because they have a more important agenda. And the same goes for the way they are fighting these Wars we are involved in. They won't be happy until they bring America down to her knees.
Blaming the current economic crisis on irresponsible Republicans is almost as asinine and ignorant and full of Bull shit as saying that there is no traces of Socialism in our current administration. . I love these cute little sound-bites you “Progressive” bloggers regurgitate in your posts blaming everyone that has a “R” or a “C” in front of their name. Why are you not blogging about
the economy, jobs, and the TAX CUTS?

So I ask you, are you really happy with Barack Obama in office, if so, take a look at your 401 plan or your IRA. And if that don't scare you, nothing will. And let me wish you Best wishes on your recovery .