Should Andrew Breitbart Apologize to Shirley Sherrod?

Sherrod said she had not received an apology from Breitbart and no longer wanted one, because she already got on from Barack Obama. The media and the left seem to be in a rush to gang up to convict and stone Andrew Breitbart . While I'm not sure who owes who an apology. Of course slander matters and should never be condoned, but lets look at the facts. The left commits deliberate, planned slander daily, just look at the attacks on Sarah Palin.. Look at what they did to her and her family Do you hear or see anyone from the left lining up to apologize? Did you hear clamoring from the left for apologies when they wrote about her child and worse. The leftists and the leftist media uses the dirtiest, filthiest,and the most deceitful tactics to batter the right and and make them look like fools, do they ever apologize? The NAACP wrongfully “denounced” the Tea Party as racist. Congressmen lied about being spat on. Where are the voices from the left demanding apologies from them? Don't you just love how the Left seems to always dismiss "all" Tea Party members as "racists". Eric the Holder said that the American People were a bunch of cowards. And the black people laughed and cheered. Any apology? Nah! So should Breitbart apologize? I'm not so sure about that. Breitbart isn’t responsible for her firing. He’s a journalist. He had a tape that told a story in the context of the NAACP’s slander of the Tea Party movement’s members. He went with his gut and his story. She ended up as collateral damage. Like it or not, right or wrong $hit happens. Besides, she has already been turned into an American hero, and she received a personal phone call from her Messiah what more does she want?
Mrs. Sherrod could have been a hero, but instead of taking her new found fame and running with it, she decides to do exactly what one would expect...Sue. I believe she has already sued someone before. I didn't think she was treated fairly, but I also thought some of her comments during her speech to the NAACP where ignorant and wrong. But hey it's the American way, Sue, Sue, Sue. Who needs an apology? She will make more money off this situation than she ever dreamed of having in her life. And I’m sure that she has both Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson hiding in her corner.
Mrs. Sherrod. Your anger should be directed at the USDA for firing you without doing any of their own research. Your anger should be directed at the NAACP for coming out against you despite having the entire tape the whole time. But then again, it's more fun to place your anger at the white guy.