Charlie Rangel Cutting A Deal?

What Me Worry?

Could Charlie Rangel Be Cutting A Deal? No, tell me it isn't so. The head of the House on Un-Ethical Committee, cutting a deal with the House Ethics Committee? Do you mean to tell me that Charlie would commit ethical violations? Shocking! Just Shocking!
And taking a
Plea deal, and without any Republican members of the Bipartisan panel present? Wow, that's really ethical isn't it! And now he's going to thake an Unethical way out of his "Ethics Trial? It looks as if the lefties are going to let poor Charlie Boy hang out to dry.
You can look for him playing the race care at any moment now. He's not going to let those
Crackers take HIM down!
We can look forward to his Mel Gibson moment at any time now..
By cutting a deal to avoid a trial! Way to go Ethics Committee, you are really showing the Nation the true way to a Democrats heart. Rather than embarrass the entire party and to lose face, just cut a deal with the bastard and distance yourselves from the Rangel issue. Let him off the hook so that he won’t make your party “STINK” so badly in the November elections. Make your sleazy backroom deal with him so that you all can hide the truth and avoid any responsibility before his STINK rubs off on you. Show us all just how UNETHICAL you all are.
Why again is our Country failing? Well one reason is because we allow creeps such as Charlie Rangel screw us for 40 years and keep bringing him back to office because he’s a Black Guy with a big smile and a wise ass mouth! ..
This country is has become a country of sinking frauds and crooks .. and all the defenders and deniers of people like CHARLIE RANGEL who has been getting away with being a crooked Politician for 40 years and who has had other crooks such as Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid protecting him deserve to be all thrown out of office. The country is in dire fiscal and political straits and we have people like this ass-hole milking us dry. Democrats, and ethics don’t belong in the same sentence.
Ethics violations?? What ethics?
How can you have a tax Cheat in charge of writing the tax codes.. and please spare me the “I want him out because I’m a Rightwinger” Crap!
You and I were the ones paying for that CREEP lying in the sun on the beach at the Punta Cana Resort, where he OWNS his villa. And rents it out when he’s in Washington. Where he squeezes in some vacation time before attending a meeting.

There is so much corruption and waste in congress I want to puke. And the corruption and waste is behind the Democrats doors.
But the Day of Reckoning is coming, yes the Chickens ARE coming home to roost! I hope these scum get it.. but sadly most of these Crooks will walk when the day comes.
I just don't understand how a single one of those assholes in Congress, Pelosi, Reid, and Barack Hussain Obama can look us in the eye and tell us what a good deal they are giving us. Obama and company are willing to sink the nation financially just for the sake of their party. How many years have they been after Rangel? Did you know that Rangel was elected to replace Adam Clayton Powell who was thrown out for the same reasons of INCOME TAX EVASION AND CORRUPTION, this seems to be the rule for this congressional district . Ok, so call me a racist, but I didn’t invent that story. (If it walks like a duck).
Had he been a Republican! he would have been forced to resign and do jail time to boot.
Maybe they should try honesty for a change. Pelosi knew all about Rangel for a very long time, so what took so long?

I’ll tell you what took so long, she was trying to cover it all up and she hoped that it would go away and that the country would forget about it. And she knew that if it all came out it would destroy the democrat party. Rangel and Dodd and Franks should have been thrown out a long time ago. Rangel is only the "tip of the iceberg". A Democrat with ethical standards is a oxymoron .
Just remember, in November, YOU are the JURY.