Charlie Rangel's ethics being questioned?

This guy has had so many ethics violations in his career that he cannot possibly survive. These allegations sound like they will stick this time. The creep should be in jail and you liberals want him re-elected? Why, because he's black? Is he another case of Blacks can't do anything wrong!
There's no excuse for anything that he's done and he's gotten away with all this crap for 40 years!
Shame on Harlem for reelecting this Jive-talking Turkey for all these years. And I'll tell you something, if this wasn't an election year, they would have never brought him up on these charges at all. But they knew it would cost them and embarrass them.
It's not as if I'm condemning him because he made a stupid error, he's been corrupt all his life.
He is corrupt to the bone. He cannot possibly plead ignorance of the tax laws. He wrote most of them! He has, until recently anyway, the perception that he is invincible and indeed he was for 40 year. He has always been able to count on his fellow corruptocrats in the Democrat party to backstop him. And of course there was always the compliant media to present him in the best possible light by squashing anything negative. Now we no longer have to rely on the legacy media for information. We have the net and the evidence just keeps piling up. His fellow Democrats recognize the inevitable and like true Democrats, they are pointing fingers and jumping ship. Its a beautiful thing to behold!
Finally this
piece of shit is going down!