President Obama says he can relate to the plight of Americans striving in the struggling economy to pay bills while saving for their kids' education.
He says he and first lady Michelle Obama took a hit like everybody else when the economy nearly collapsed, telling ABC that a college fund for daughters Malia and Sasha has gone "up and down" with the stock market.
Obama says the first couple is "not that far removed from what most Americans are going through." He tells the network "it was just a few years ago that we had high credit card balances, we had two kids, thinking about college. We had our own retirement accounts, wondering if we were going to be able to get enough assets in there.
Imagine that!
Can't you see how hard and unfair life has been for these two!
I think that It should be pretty obvious by now that Obama's are full of shit! But, it sure helps an awful lot if you are best buddies with George Soros.
Michelle “for the first time in my life” Obama may be proud, but frankly, I'm ashamed.
Here she is, among the wealthy privileged, a Harvard education, high paying job, a husband who is the president of the United States of America, and can be and do anything she wants in life. And NOW is the first time she is proud of the US?!?! What a moron. The only reason a person should feel like they are not a part of America is "THEY ARE LAZY AND CHOOSE NOT TO WORK FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM". I wonder if she was proud of that Mr. Samir Shabazz the New POS of the Black Panthers said the other day!
Maybe this is what happens when you give out Affirmative Action diplomas?
Barack Obama has said nothing of substance that wasn't asinine and he even wants to down and negotiate with Iran (an enemy who will lie to his face with a smile). Michelle Obama thinks the role of the federal government is to heal the souls of the lazy and do nothing citizenry, to hand out free everything to everybody! . Their popularity makes me wonder how we can have so many nitwits in this country responding to such simple-minded drivel. Michelle, you and your empty-suit husband make me ashamed, and if he is elected by a majority of the easily led sheep or should we say GOATS! I'll never regard this Marxist as my president. He’s just a temporary blip in our history.
When Obama grovels and rants in front of our worst enemies from the podium of the President of the United States, I care. He doesn’t represent me, and he does not represent many of our citizens. And why is it that “progressives” have a such a problem with reading comprehension so much that they can’t see what’s going on in their own backyard?