As The Stomach Turns ~ Oliver Stone Sinks To A New Low!

Here We See Two Socialist Jew Hating Pigs Pictured

If you thought that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant really pushed the envelope, his buddy Oliver Stone really has him beat.

At least Mel Gibson, (ass-hole that he is) was drunk and never defended Hitler. But I guess that's theses bigoted, and paranoid Hollywood creeps go through life.

Oscar-winning film maker and conspiracy theorist Oliver Stone has descended into anti-Semitic lunacy that demands an all out condemnation.
Showtime cable TV has seen fit to give him a platform for a series scheduled for next year that is titled "The Secret History of America." The mind boggles at what that might entail. And as the stomach turns at Stone's once again MORONIC conspiracies regarding Hitler, Stalin and, of course, the Jews. Stone is on record saying that Hitler isn’t a bad as people make him out to be. Yep, in an interview regarding this new series, He went on to say that "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than to the Jewish people.
Why is it that people go to see his crap and take it as gospel? They're all BS being passed of as fact, if you don’t know that by now then you deserve to be scammed. When will people see thru this unbalanced, egotistical, self-serving pig who make a fortune on re-writing the truth?
When his interviewer asked why, then, did the Holocaust draw so much focus, Stone replied because of "The Jewish domination of the media."!

Lets not forget or forgive Stone who had once said, "I've been able to walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes." He also has called Hitler "an easy scapegoat" and suggested that Stalin has "a complete other story," apparently one beyond show trials and labor camps.
He had also at one time or another cozied up to Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Humm, imagine that, a Jew hating Lefty in Hollywood! I wonder why nobody even talks about how Anti- Semitic Arabs are?
When, if ever will the Jewish people learn that are being used by the Left? And that includes our current Dear Leader.
And of course, just like every other DOUCHEBAG who has surpassed the levels of jackass and asshole, After making the references to Hitler and the "Jewish domination of the media," Oliver Stone quickly came out with a swift apology. Only a douchebag would consider accounting himself with such class. I guess that he just “Miss-spoke”