What Is the Difference Between an American Liberal and a Socialist or a Communist?

It really does it really matter whether we call it Socialism, Liberalism, or Progressiveism or whatever "ism" the lefty’s want to Label it today, it’s the same old thing, it’s just a matter of degree of radicalism. The term changes every time there is an election, because the Democrats don’t want to be associated with the mess that the last bunch left us with. So let’s stop dwelling or arguing on the term or the label. Although the term or the label has changed from day to day, the meaning of the words socialism and communism have not changed even if some of the left want to deny it. It all originates from that Saul Alinsky School of Marxism!
It is no secret, in fact it is a fact that the majority of left wingers who are by and large the same militant activist Communists anti-war anti-pro-life, anti free speech, anti Walmart (because they are against anyplace that prosecutes people that steal) tree-hugging, Global-warming nuts, “Go Green and save the world ) who are organized by and are run by the same militant activist Communists Organizations that backed Barack Obama for the presidency and the same bunch of Commies from the sixties that called themselves Civil Rights and Peace movements Organizations but at the same time Killed four people and injured more than 50 other .innocent Americans by bombing Fraunces Tavern in New York City. The very same people that were called The F.A.L.N. The very same people that Bill Clinton pardoned son that his precious wife the PIAPS could get the Puerto Rican vote when she ran for the NY Senate. Yes, Bill (BJ) Clinton and he had the NOW famous Eric Holder as a huge factor in this terrorists release.
Yes the 60's were a Grand Old Time for the Lefties, they had their beloved Weathermen
otherwise known as The Weather Underground Organization who were an American radical left organization were strongly sympathized and aligned themselves with the radical Black Panthers. And we had the Queen of the Leftist’s Jane Hanoi Fonda, another beauty. Who should spend eternity burning in Hell.
And then there was Barack Obama’s old friend William Charles "Bill" Ayers . The same Bill Ayers that was one of the earliest members of the Weatherman. The very same Bill Ayers that Barack Bubbie Obama claims didn’t write his book, and if you believe that, I have a Bridge to sell you in Brooklyn! Yes, the very same Bill Ayers who was married to that She Devil Bernardine Dohrn, who was a prime leader in the Weather organization. Two Pigs in a poke.
If that’s not enough to convince you that Communists and Liberal Democrats are one in the same, then I don’t know if you have any sense in that thing on your shoulders that you call a head. . The so called counter culture revolution of the 60's and 70's was so well infiltrated by communists that they all grew up in the same pigs sty. Just like Barbra Streisand and Joy Behar. All Commies and every one said communism was dead. No it’s not dead, it never was, I think these and all the snakes like them just went back underground and under their rocks where they came from and recently crawled out when their new Leader Barack Hussain Obama was elected. And now they became even more dangerous because they can call themselves creditable, as they have a leftist, Socialist as their Messiah . Now they are dangerous because they can rewrite History and rewrite our policies, and they can throw our Construction into infinity.

Lets be really honest here, why do some people spend their time blogging about Sarah Palin and or Glenn Beck? Where is the danger in those two? What power do they have?
Ah but when you criticize Barack Obama or his wife who wants to dictate to American’s parents about what their children should eat or do or how they spend their time, that’s called “hoping the president would fail”
It is frightening for me to see these old Communist tactics, and methods such as telling other Nations who they should have as their leaders etc.. And there also lies the potential danger in where the Obama administration is taking this country with the record debt we see growing daily right before our eyes. These are facts and statistics, and fact do not lie.
And unless we wake up, we will be another Commie Nation as well. And how about the media? Our TV and radio waves are full of these lefties and they give Obama a free pass on just about every cotton picking thing he says or does. And if and when we complain about it, the same liberal commentators on TV and radio tell us how racist we are because we disagree with our Dear Leader who happens to be Black. And the print these BS stories about how violent the Tea Party people are.
Yesterday, while driving to work, I had the misfortune of hearing Al Sharpton interviewed on the radio. He said and I quote “ They laughed at me and called me names when I Marched in Protest, but now we see the Right wingers doing the something only they call themselves the Tea-Party” Can you imagine that this brainless jerk has become a spokesperson for the left?
So in ending and in my comparison of liberals we saw Obama take over just about evey major industry in America banking, auto, wall street, housing and of course the biggest fraud of them all Health-Care. . Obama has been exposed as a liar and way over his head acting like play leader of the country. Obama will go down in flames in 2012, as more of his agenda