I’m Guessing That The Left Doesn’t Believe In Free Speech Anymore? Or Did They Really Ever?

The goal of the Progressives and Liberal Left is to Silence Glenn Beck.

As if the boycotts threats of the past wasn’t enough, not they are blogging about signing petitions, to silence him completely. . Yes, you guessed it, the usual suspects are at it again.
Silence Glenn Beck, Destroy, and discredit and belittle
Sarah Palin, and her family thereby eliminating any chance of her beating up their Hero Barack Obama.
Yes the bastions of free speech are once again boycotting and sending their STUPID petitions all over the internet. No wonder these lovers of fascism bow to their emperor of Socialism. They are birds of a feather.
Glenn Beck has always been a thorn in Obama's ass as is Rush Limbaugh, they both may be loud and very strongly opinionated, but is that a reason for them to
silenced? Should they really be silenced because they are out spoken about this crooked and misguided President and his administration? Is this no longer America? Did they so conveniently forget the outlandish and horrific things they said and are still saying about George Bush and Dick Cheney and now at the time of Ronald Reagan's 100 Birthday they are still lambasting him. Typical Hypocrites? You bet your bippie they are.
They want to take a national tragedy like the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and the rest by a lone lunatic who didn't know a Conservative from a hole in the wall and blame Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin for it.
The very definition of the progressive movement and their tactics is based on hate...period.
The Progressives Hate Glenn Beck because he tells it like it is. And these idiot's and hypocrites fear him for that. Progressives/Liberals label anything that they fear as hate. They fail to look at themselves in the mirror. Just as the vampire Count Dracula did. Like Count Dracula, they feast on destroyed anyone that stands in their way. For example when the all but destroyed Bristol Palin for having the nerve to be on Dancing with the Stars. And I won’t even mention what the Creep David Letterman did.
In order to thrive liberalism must destroy their opponents by sucking the last drop of blood out of them. No matter how they do it. I guess fear and hate is a terrible combination.