Jon Stewart is a Anti Semitic Liberal douche bag.

By HNN Staff

Anti-Israel blogs have been appearing all over the net about Jon Steward’s Pro-Hamas and Pro-HizBullah site, followed by his comments like "dirty greedy Jews this, Israeli Nazis that. And as I heard just this morning he calls Harry Truman a War Criminal for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima during the Second World War.
Then maybe we should indict all the soldiers who fought in WWII including President (General) Eisenhower and General Patton for invading Europe!
President Truman chose to make the brave decision to drop the bombs in order to to save at least 600,000 American lives., and many many more Japanese lives as well.
Just how far are these Liberals douche bags going to go. Since we have this Socialist in the White House all of these CREEPS are coming out from under their rocks!

Hello, Doesn't Anyone Know That You Fight A War To Win It!