Sarah Palin Has Crawled Under The Skin Of Every Liberal In America!

I'll say that again! Sarah Palin Has Crawled Under The Skin Of Every Liberal / Progressive In America!
The insults and the attacks on her and her family has been unprecedented. The blood libel term, the David Letterman attacks, the Death Treats, and the worst of them all, the pointing blame for and the suggestions of her role in the Gabrielle Giffords tragedy.
So Yes, Sarah Palin Has Crawled Under The Skin Of Every Liberal In America! And for that reason and that reason alone, I'd love to see her run.
I had no intentions to vote for Sarah Palin, But... for some strange reason, Sarah Palin causes liberals to go off the wall and foam at the mouth. Could it be that they are that scared of her? Could it be because she has the cojones that Barack Obama will never have? And could it be that she has the guts to call a spade a spade?
And yes, Sarah Palin does have more have "cojones" than Barack Obama. Despite the Lamestream Media, and all of those Leftist Blogging Morons trashing and smearing Sarah Plain it is just not working