New York C ity Terrorist’s Threat Is Credible’ Terror Threat Word Has It That It Involves A Possible Dirty Bomb.

At least two of the three men involved in a possible Al Qaida plot to pull off an attack coinciding with the 10th anniversary of 9/11 are believed to be U.S. citizens or have U.S. traveling documents. Their primary mission is to explode a car bomb in either New York or Washington, but if that proves impossible, they have been ordered to simply cause as much destruction as they can, one U.S. official said. Word that al-Qaida had dispatched would-be attackers reached U.S. officials midweek.

These latest warnings have substance and come from by good intelligence work, said the CIA and Home Land Security. . Al Qaeda et al, MUST once and for all be WIPED OFF THE MAP! . If this is true, and should anything like this ever happen, we MUST retaliate immediately on the the Saudis, or the Iranian's or whatever Country is involved and with whoever sent these MUSLIMS here to do this. We must show no mercy in in our retaliation, we must hit them swift and hard with everything we have, we also must gather up every Islamic Radical and ship em out of this country and make sure that they never entering the USA again. If America is ever the target of a nuclear attack, Dirty Bomb or an all out Nuclear Bomb, we must send these Dirt-Bag Pigs directly to HELL once and for all. And if this administration is NOT going to do anything against these Muslims, then we will have to deal with the administration and get them out of office, and put in someone will guts and the balls to do what is necessary. America can no longer live under the threat of these ANIMALS on a daily basis. Call me a right wing Islamophobe, or what ever else you want to, but enough is more than enough. Yes, Islam is a terrorist religion. You want proof? Read a newspaper! Read what these Radical Islimeballs are up to these days. They won't rest until they see us destroyed and dead. Let's not wait for that . How many innocent people have to be killed by these terrorist, until we do what we have to do? America is not used to have to fight a war the way that we have been fighting the past few. We have the capability of winning a war in a week or less, so why are our hands tied behind our backs? Where is the leadership of the past? Where are the Generals Patton and MacArthur of the 21st century? Are they only a memory?

Let terrorists be aware that when the rules of international behavior are violated, our policy will be one of swift and effective retribution. We must not yield to the terrorists' demands and invite more terrorism. We cannot reward their grisly deeds. We will not cave in. RONALD REAGAN